摘要: 基于对西北地区干旱化趋势的讨论, 研究了西北内陆封闭盆地水盐迁移聚集的系统动力学模式, 阐明了盆地浅表积盐与水盐失衡的根本原因.在此基础上, 探讨了水盐分布与生态适宜性之间的内在联系以及水循环节律的变化对土壤生态指数时空分布的影响, 提出建立西北地区各物种的生存域及土壤生态指数对西部大开发具有重要意义.此外, 还讨论了内陆盆地水库工程兴建与灌溉技术选择问题Abstract: In terms of the arid trend in the Northwest China, this paper deals with the system dynamic pattern of water transfer and salt accumulation in this closed inland basin and elucidates the basic cause for the corresponding imbalance between the supergene salt accumulation and water salt. In this context, the paper reveals the internal relations between the water salt distribution and the soil eco adaptability, presents the effect of the variation in the rhythm of water cycle on the spatial temporal distribution of the soil eco indices, and advances the great importance of the Great West Development by establishing the survival domains of various species and the soil eco indices in the Northwest China. In addition, this paper discusses the construction of the reservoir project and the selection of the irrigation techniques in this inland basin.
Key words:
- climatic arid /
- water salt imbalance /
- eco environmental effect /
- eco adaptability /
- soil eco index
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a.现代全球活动沙丘的分布; b.末次冰期最盛期(距今18 ka) 全球活动沙丘的分布; 黑色.活动沙丘
Fig. 1. Maps showing desert distribution before 18 ka and at present
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