摘要: 汉江上游是我国“十五”水环境规划的重点区域之一, 丹江口水库是具有战略意义的重点保护水源.汉江干流和丹江库区现状水质已达Ⅱ类标准, 但因为支流污染严重而形成巨大威胁, 主要污染物COD在“十五”有超标趋势.COD来源以生活源为主, 占77.2%;工业源中制浆造纸业为主要污染行业, COD排量占38.29%.列出了以城镇污水处理厂建设为主体的含A, B, C三种工程项目类型的污染控制方案.实施A类项目需投资27 500万元, 可使汉江上游COD在2005年降至32 682.25 t, 低于基准年1998年的排放水平, 落在省下达的目标总量控制范围内, 保证干流和丹江库区保持Ⅱ类水质; 接踵实施B, C类项目, 可保证其水质稳定达标, 并使支流水质得到明显改善.
- 水污染控制 /
- 化学需氧量(COD) /
- 工程方案 /
- 汉江上游 /
- 丹江口水库
Abstract: The upstream of the Hanjiang River is one of the major areas in waterenvironment program of the national tenth five-year plan. The Danjiangkou dam of strategic significance is a key protected water source. The present water source both in the main stream of the Hanjiang River and in the Danjiangkon dam has reached national gradeⅡ water-quality standard. However, this water source is being threatened by the seriously-polluted branch streams whose major pollutant COD may have exceeded the standard in the tenth five-year plan. The COD pollutants are mainly composed of daily life excreta 77.2%.Of the industrial pollu- tion sources, the pulp and papermaking industry is the largest pollution source whose COD excreta reaches 38. 29%. In this paper, is listed the pollution control scheme mainly based on the town wastewater treatment plants and composed of A, B and C types of engineer projects. The implementation of type A projects needs 275 000 000 yuan in investment, reducing the COD in the upstream of the Hangjiang River to 32 682.25 t in 2005, lower than the discharge level in the base yearof 1998 and within the range of the total discharges spec- ified by the Hubei provincial government. In this way, the water quality both in the main stream of the Han- jiang River and in the Danjiangkou dam is guaranteed to reach gradeⅡ national water-quality standard. Then the furtherimplementation of types B and C projects may guarantee the stable high water-quality standard and the conspicuous improvement of the water quality in the branch streams. -
表 1 汉江上游水环境功能区划及控制断面设置
Table 1. Fraction zoning and control section setting in upstream of Hanjiang River
表 2 汉江上游2000年和2005年COD预测排放量
Table 2. Forecasted discharge of COD in 2000 and 2005 in upstream of Hanjiang River t/a
表 3 汉江上游水污染控制工程方案
Table 3. Control engineering schemes of water pollution in upstream of Hanjiang River
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