摘要: 通过对泰安市第四系水文地质结构研究发现, 浅层地下水的污染受地层结构的控制, 在包气带岩性及含水层岩性相同的条件下, 包气带的厚度越大, 其防污性能越高, 含水层遭受污染的程度越小; 在地面环境质量及包气带岩性和厚度相近的条件下, 粗砂含水层较粉质粘土含水层更易遭受污染Abstract: The Quaternary hydrogeological structure in Taian shows that the contamination in shallow groundwater is controlled by the Quaternary hydrogeological structure. When the lithology of vadose zone is the same as that of aquifer, the vadose zone is thicker, increasing the pollution prevention index, so that the contamination in the aquifer is smaller. However, on the similar conditions in surface environmental quality and in lithology and thickness of the vadose zone, the coarse sand aquifer is easier to contaminate than the silty clay aquifer.
Key words:
- vadose zone /
- hydrogeological structure /
- contaminating sensitivity
表 1 泰安城区二元结构包气带厚度与离子(组分) 等标指数及绝对增量
Table 1. The relationship between the thickness of double structural vadose zone and the ratios and increments of components in groundwater in Taian city
表 2 泰安城区一元结构包气带厚度与离子(组分) 等标指数及绝对增量
Table 2. The relationship between the thickness of single structural vadose zone and the ratios and increments of components in groundwater in Taian city
表 3 泰安市城区粗砂及粉质粘土含水层等标指数及绝对增量对比
Table 3. Comparison of the ratios and increments of components in groundwater in Taian city
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