摘要: 在沈抚灌区野外调查和室内外试验的基础上, 建立水分-反应性石油污染物运移的耦合数学模型, 采用数值方法模拟可溶性油(有效油) 的分布规律, 并定量分析了石油污染土壤不同恢复方案的可行性.研究结果表明, 土壤中的化学作用使可溶性油运移速度远远小于土壤水的入渗速度, 所以可溶性油主要分布在土壤耕作层之内, 难以通过灌溉污水的入渗直接污染地下水; 另外, 清污混合灌溉和改变作物结构的控制方案虽然可以大大降低土壤中可溶性油的含量, 但石油污染土壤的彻底恢复还必须依靠地表水或地下水的合理灌溉Abstract: In this paper, a coupling mathematical model of the moisture reactive petroleum pollutant migration is established on the bases of field investigation and indoor and outdoor tests in Shenyang Fushun irrigation area. In this model, the numerical method is first used to simulate the distribution pattern of the soluble oil (effective oil) and to analyze quantitatively the feasibilities of different restoration projects for the oil polluted soils. The research results show that the chemical reaction in the soil may lower the migration speed of the soluble oil far less than the penetration speed of the soil water. Therefore, the soluble oil is mainly distributed in the ploughed soil layer, making it difficult to pollute directly the groundwater by the penetration of the polluted water for irrigation. In addition, the controlling plans of the irrigation by the mixed clean and polluted water and of the change in the crop structures may greatly reduce the soluble oil concentration in the soil, but the complete elimination of the oil polluted soil must depend on the reasonable irrigation by the surface water or/and groundwater.
Key words:
- soluble oil /
- controlling plan /
- coupling model /
- oil polluted soil
表 1 土壤的组成和主要特征
Table 1. Composition and major characteristics of soils
表 2 土壤水分-溶质的动力学参数
Table 2. Hydrodynamic parameters of water-solute in soils
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