摘要: 对胶东焦家金矿田多层次的断层裂隙统计表明, 裂隙系统在10-6~104尺度内符合分形分布, 且节理裂隙的分维可作为区分蚀变构造带与正常围岩的良好指标.根据裂隙的分维特征推测, 焦家金矿田深部矿体也许更趋简单、稳定、厚大, 深部找矿仍有较大的潜力.Abstract: The statistical results of the multiple gradational faults and fractures in Jiaodong region demonstrate that the fault/fracture system conform to the fractal distribution within the scales from 10-6 to 104. The fractal dimensions of the fractures can be served as an index to distinguish between the altered structure belts and wall rocks. In this paper, the fractal distributions of fractures in Jiaojia gold deposit indicate that the deeper part of the orebody may be simpler and thicker than the shallow one. In this sense, greater prospecting potentials are present in the deep part of the gold deposit.
表 1 焦家地区断裂构造分形特征
Table 1. Fractal features of faults on Jiaojia district
表 2 焦家、望儿山金矿节理裂隙分布的分形特征
Table 2. Fractal features of fractures in Jiaojia and Wang'ershan gold deposits
表 3 焦家金矿田微裂隙分形特征
Table 3. Fractal features of microfractures in Jiaojia gold field
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