摘要: 基于成矿系统动力学研究进展的综合分析, 认为构造体制转换与流体多层循环成矿动力学研究是地球科学跨世纪的重要前沿领域之一, 进而提出这一领域的研究主题和关键问题、研究思路及方法, 阐释其重要意义, 指出构造体制转换与流体多层循环成矿动力学研究以构造演化、流体活动及区域地球化学和地球物理不均一性为基础, 通过变形-流动高温高压实验及计算机数值模拟再现成矿作用过程和机理, 解析构造体制转换与流体多层循环成矿动力学特征, 揭示成矿界面时-空演化规律, 建立成矿系统物质和能量交换-反馈耦合成矿的定量模型.这是深化矿床成因认识的重要基础和实现科学找矿的有效途径, 对地球系统科学和大陆动力学的研究也具有重要意义.Abstract: The comprehensive analysis of advances in the research into the ore forming dynamics concludes in this paper that the research into the ore forming dynamics of the tectonic regime transformation and multi layer circulation is on the cutting edge of the earth sciences in the 21st century. Then the paper presents the theme, key issues, methodology, and important significance of this research. In addition, this paper also proposes that the research into the ore forming dynamics of the tectonic regime transformation and the multi layer fluid circulation centers around the heterogeneities in the structural evolution, fluid activity, regional geochemistry and geophysics. The experiments on the deformation fluid high temperature and high pressure, the method for numerical simulation to reappear the ore forming process and mechanism, to analyze the ore forming dynamics of the tectonic regime transformation and multi layer fluid circulation, to reveal tempo spatial evolutionary patterns of the ore forming interfaces, and finally to construct the quantitative model of the exchange between material and energy feedback coupling mineralization in the mineralization system. This research, an important basis of the deeper understanding of the mineralization origin, and an effective approach to the scientific mineral prospecting, is of great significance to the research into the earth system science and continental dynamics.
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