摘要: 辽东地区古元古代裂谷里尔峪组和大石桥组中分别分布有富镁质的碳酸盐岩建造, 其中产有硼矿、菱镁矿、滑石、岫岩玉等大型-特大型矿床.这些镁质非金属矿床的形成先与古元古代的蒸发岩系有关, 然后经历了吕梁期区域变质和热液交代变质改造, 以及印支、燕山期构造-岩浆作用改造等成矿系统作用过程.其中, 镁质碳酸盐岩建造、成矿构造、成矿流体对镁质非金属矿床的形成起着重要的控制作用.这些矿床也是古元古代矿源场、流体场、热场(能量场)、应力场等在一定的时空条件下耦合和后期构造-岩浆作用叠加改造的综合产物.Abstract: In the Paleoproterozoic Lieryu Formation and Dashiqiao Formation, eastern Liaoning Province, China, are distributed the magnesium rich carbonate rock formations, where occur large to super large sized deposits of borax, magnesite, talc, and serpentine. The formation of these magnesian non metallic deposits related to the evaporites of the Paleoproterozoic experienced the regional metamorphism and the hydrothermal metasomatism during the Lüliang orogeny, and also the mineralization process of tectono magmatism during the Indosinian Yanshanian. In particular, the magnesian carbonate rock formations, minerogenetic structures and ore forming fluids played a key role in the formation of the magnesian non metallic deposits. Therefore, it can be concluded that these mineral deposits are end products of the integration of the coupling of the Paleoproterozoic ore source field, fluid field, thermal field (energy field) and stress field on certain time space conditions with the superimposed reformation of tectono magmatism in the later stage.
图 1 辽东古元古代裂谷构造分带及主要镁质非金属矿床分布示意(据文献[9]修改)
1.太古宙古陆; 裂谷区: 2.北缘斜坡区, 3.中央凹陷区, 4.南缘浅台区; 5.地幔隆起; 6.构造带分界线(深断裂带); 7.剪切断裂; 8.拉张断裂; 9.基性岩; 10.推断的隆起; 11.硼矿; 12.滑石及菱镁矿; 13.蛇纹石(岫岩玉); 14.水镁石; 15.透辉石和透闪石; 16.斜绿泥石; 17.纤维状海泡石
Fig. 1. Geological sketch map showing tectonic divisions for Paleoproterozoic rift system and major magnesian non-metallic deposits
表 1 辽东古元古代镁质非金属矿床成矿系统
Table 1. Metallogenic system of magnesian non-metallic deposits in eastern Liaoning Province
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