摘要: 矿床是复杂地质作用的结果.矿床形成后又经历不同形式和不同程度的变化.由于已发现矿床的大多数是在其形成后经过变化而保存下来的, 因此矿床学研究应兼顾矿床的形成(成因) 和矿床的变化、保存(产出) 两个方面, 以提高矿产预测的能力.矿床变化与保存的研究内容包括: (1) 控制要素; (2) 变化、改造的过程; (3) 变化、改造的产物; (4) 不同矿床类型的变化; (5) 不同时-空域中矿床的变化; (6) 矿床保存条件.研究成矿后变化的基本方法有: 地质构造制图、地球化学分析和模拟实验.提出要研究和建立矿床的变化、改造模型; 将矿床演变作为含矿区域地质历史的一个环节, 将矿床个体变化研究与区域成矿系统演变相结合.矿床变化研究既有利于矿产预测和勘查, 又可为改善矿区和区域生态环境提供基础资料.Abstract: The ore formation is a result of complex geological processes. The majority of ore deposits is subject to changes in various forms and degrees after their formation. The ore deposit geology is to study the ore forming process (genesis) as well as the post ore changes and modifications, so as to increase the probability of ore prediction. The main post ore changes are classified as following six aspects: (1) the controlling parameters, (2) the changing and modification process, (3) the product of post ore modification, (4) the different modification track of various ore deposit types, (5) the ore deposit modifications in different geological environments and periods, and (6) the conditions for ore deposit preservation. The basic methods for post ore changes include the geological mapping, geochemical analysis and simulation experiments. In order to establish the post ore change models of certain ore deposit types, we should not only study the single ore deposit, but also the ore deposit series in a certain metallogenic belt. The research into the post ore changes is not only favorable for the forecasting and exploration of mineral resources, but also beneficial for the improvement of the ecological environments of mining area.
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