摘要: 采用GPS定位技术对三峡库区崩滑地质灾害监测进行试验性研究, 是实现对地质灾害监测、预报和防治的现代化而采取的一项重要举措.其目的是分析、研究和论证利用GPS定位技术进行崩滑监测的可行性并制定技术规程; 建立从链子崖至巴东段的地质灾害GPS监测试验(示范).基于GPS技术在三峡库区崩滑地质灾害监测中的试验研究, 分析了GPS监测的最佳时段、最佳时段长度、最佳截止高度角的选取及适宜采用的软件和星历等问题, 结果表明, 利用GPS定位技术进行崩滑地质灾害监测能够满足其精度要求, 该项技术是可行的.Abstract: The experimental research into the application of GIS satellite positioning technique to the monitoring of technology to the monitoring of landslides in Three Gorges dam, is an important project financed by the Ministry of Land and Resources to modernize the geological hazard monitoring, forecasting and prevention. This experimental research is to analyze, study and prove the feasibility of the application of GPS satellite positioning technique to the monitoring of landslides, to formulate technical regulations, and to build a demonstration region of the application of GPS to the monitoring of geological hazards in the section from Lianziya to Badong. The experimental research into the GPS-based monitoring of the landslides in Three Gorges dam deals with the selections of the optimum GPS monitoring hour, the optimum GPS monitoring duration, the optimum cutoff elevation angle for the GPS monitoring, and with the adoption of appropriate software and ephemeris. The research results show that GPS satellite positioning technique which can satisfy the precision required for the monitoring of the landslides is feasible.
Key words:
- GPS /
- landslide mass /
- GPS monitoring hour /
- cutoff elevation angle /
- satellite ephemeris
表 1 不同时段长度的试算结果
Table 1. Results of trial calculation with different session lengths
表 2 用精密星历和广播星历进行计算的结果比较
Table 2. Comparison between the results of calculation with precise ephemeris and the results of calculation with broadcast ephemeris
表 3 4种随机软件的性能比较
Table 3. Comparison of functions of the four kinds of software with GPS receivers
表 4 截止高度角取不同值时的计算结果
Table 4. The results of calculation when the cutoff elevation angle has different value
表 5 利用10 min资料进行快速定位的结果
Table 5. Results of using 10 minutes' data for fast positioning
表 6 利用20 min资料进行快速定位的结果
Table 6. Results of using 20 minutes' data for fast positioning
表 7 利用10 min资料进行快速定位结果
Table 7. Results of using 10 minutes' data for fast positioning
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