摘要: 运用分形理论对四川攀枝花层状侵入体的韵律层厚度进行分维计算, 并结合计算机模拟手段, 对韵律层理的成因进行了探讨.通过分形计算表明, 攀枝花层状侵入体的韵律层在厚度上具有分形结构, 其分维数介于1.4~1.8之间, 不同级别韵律层的厚度分维数不同, 韵律演化的级别越高, 厚度分维数越大.通过模拟计算的韵律色度分维数与实测韵律层的厚度分维数比较接近, 变化规律也比较相似, 这不仅说明在韵律的演化过程中, 厚度和色率之间有一定的内在联系, 也说明了重力在韵律形成机制中是一个重要的影响因素.地球的重力作用与地球的其他物理化学作用在空间和时间上耦合, 形成了这种具有时空分形结构的韵律现象.Abstract: In this paper, the fractal theory is applied to the fractal calculation of thickness of rhythmic layers in Panzhihua layered intrusion in Sichuan Province, China. In addition, this paper discusses the origin of the rhythmic stratification by means of computer simulation. The fractal research on the thickness of Panzhihua layered intrusion shows an excellent fractal structure with its dimension ranging between 1.4 and 1.8. The fractal dimension of thickness varies with different grades of rhythmic layers. The higher the grade of the rhythmic evolution is, the greater the fractal dimension of thickness is. The fractal dimension of rhythmic color thus simulated is close to that of the thickness of the measured rhythmic layer in addition to similar changing patterns, which indicate that a certain internal association is present between the thickness and the chrominance of the rhythm in the process of the magma evolvement, and that the gravity is an important factor of the formation mechanism of the rhythm. The coupling in space and time between earth gravity and other earth physical and chemical effects results in this kind of rhythmic pattern with spatio-temporal fractal structure.
Key words:
- layered intrusion /
- gabbro rhythmic layer /
- fractal structure /
- computer simulation /
- Panzhihua
表 1 攀枝花层状侵入体韵律层厚度的频率分布
Table 1. Frequency distribution of thickness of rhythmic layer in Panzhihua intrusion
表 2 计算机模拟韵律层的色率频度分布
Table 2. Frequency distribution of color rate of simulated rhythmic layer
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