摘要: 根据我国大洋多金属结壳的调查资料并结合其他相关的研究结果, 对中太平洋海山区多金属结壳的类型、产状、成分、结构、分布等成矿特征进行了初步的研究.结果表明, 中太平洋海山区富钴结壳广泛发育, 但成矿特征较大地受地形、水深、基岩类型等成矿环境P744.3因素的影响与制约.Abstract: The mineralizing characters relating to type, shape, composition structure and distribution of cobalt-rich ferromanganese nodule and crust in Pacific ocean seamount have been discussed by investigating information of two surveyings and using the other data. The results indicate that the cobalt-rich development in central Pacific oceanic seamount area, and the mineralizing characters are controlled by the environmental factors, such as landform, water depth and rock types.
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