摘要: 为探讨利用孔压静力触探求取土层固结系数的可行性与规律, 在珠江三角洲软土地区进行了大量孔压静力触探超孔压消散试验.对试验场地、设备和方法作了简明扼要地介绍, 重点分析了试验机理及结果, 并将孔压消散试验估算的固结系数与室内固结试验得到的试验值以及现场沉降资料反算值作了比较, 证明它们之间有很好的规律性, 且用孔压静探所求固结系数更接近于实际值.Abstract: The dissipation tests of excessive pore water pressure have been conducted in the soft soil region of the Zhujiang delta in order to discuss the feasibility and principle of determining the consolidation coefficient of the soft soil by means of the piezo-cone penetration test (CPTU). In this paper, the testing sites, equipment and methods are briefly described, with an emphasis on analysis of the testing mechanism and results. Moreover, the comparison is completed of the estimation of the consolidation coefficient by means of the pore pressure dissipation test with the trial values obtained from the indoor consolidation experiment and the inverse value of the in-situ subsidence records. As a result, a very good pattern is located among these three. In addition, the consolidation coefficient determined by CPTU is more approximate to the real coefficient.
Key words:
- CPTU /
- indoor experiment /
- consolidation coefficient
表 1 台山二标试验段淤泥的物理力学性质指标统计
Table 1. Statistical geotechnical properties of silts in Taishan testing section
表 2 K28 km+765 m断面土层的物理力学性质
Table 2. Statistical geotechnical properties of soils in K28 km+765 m section
表 3 时间因数的确定
Table 3. Time factor
表 4 孔压静探消散试验及室内固结试验所求固结系数
Table 4. Consolidation coefficients determined by CPTU and laboratory test
表 5 Ch, Cv线性相关关系分析结果
Table 5. Linear regression analysis results between Ch and Cv
表 6 孔压静探消散试验值和现场沉降实测资料反算值对比分析结果
Table 6. Comparision of consolidation coefficients determined by CPTU and the back analysis through the embankment
表 7 各种土的固结系数范围
Table 7. Range of consolidation coefficients
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