摘要: 陆浑水库位于河南省洛阳市嵩县境内.为了论证大坝在水库投入正常高水位(319.5 m, 327.5 m, 331.8 m)运行时的安全, 经过对30余年的水位观测资料的整理和分析, 在厘定水文地质模型的定性分析基础上, 运用现代数理统计原理, 成功地解决了困扰水库正常运行的坝基渗流问题, 获得了关于坝基渗透稳定状况及其变化趋势的认识.结果表明: 目前大坝的运行状况是正常的; 水库在缓慢蓄水过程中, 截水槽的薄弱部位可以得到渗透加固, 截水槽中的填土与岩石结合面的抗渗比降可达45以上; 上游铺盖与截水槽结合下游排水的防渗体系有效地控制了坝基渗流.同时, 预测了高水位时坝基渗流是稳定的, 水库完全可以投入高水位运行.这为病险水库的论证提供了一个案例.Abstract: Luhun Reservoir lies in the middle reaches of Yi River, Songxian County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China. The authors have analyzed the water-level observation references for the past over 30 years, and determined the qualitative analysis of the hydrogeological models. On this basis, this paper presents, in line with the principle of modern mathematical statistics, a successful solution to the seepage in the dam foundation that has prevented the normal operation of the reservoir. This solution deepens our understanding of the seepage stability and its changing pattern for the dam foundation, in order to secure the normal operation of the dam when the reservoir reaches its normal high water levels (319.5 m, 327.5 m, 331.8 m).The research results show that the present operation of the dam is normal, that the weak parts of the cut-off trench can be consolidated during the slow storage of water in the reservoir, and that the seepage resistance rate at the interface between the soil fill and the rocks in the cut-off trench may reach over 45. The seepage-proof system consisting of the blanket in the upper reaches and the cut-off trench combined with the drainage in the lower reaches has effectively controlled the seepage in the dam foundation. At the same time, the seepage in the dam foundation when the water level is high is forecasted to be stable, so that the reservoir can be put to operation when the water level in the reservoir is high, providing an example of the proof of a defective and dangerous reservoir.
表 1 断层带物理性质
Table 1. Physical properties of fault in the dam foundation
表 2 2断层破碎带的渗透系数
Table 2. Permeability coefficient of fault
表 3 坝基断层现场钻孔渗透变形试验成果
Table 3. Test results of seepage deformation of bore in the dam foundation
表 4 高库水位时断层破碎带水力坡降预测结果
Table 4. Results of hydraulic gradient of the fault at the high water-level
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