摘要: 根据前陆盆地充填地层分析盆地和造山带的耦合关系, 研究区域包括四川中生代前陆盆地和鄂尔多斯中生代前陆盆地.研究表明, 前陆盆地和造山带具有较好的耦合关系.前陆盆地充填沉积物特征是造山带形成演化和盆地沉降的响应.向上变粗的沉积序列以及地层不整合向盆地方向的迁移反映了造山带向前陆不断隆升的演化过程.前陆盆地沉积物的岩石学特征反映了双物源供给和造山带的剥蚀.层序地层的体系域构成和地层堆积方式主要受控于前陆盆地沉降速率的变化.Abstract: This paper analyses the foreland basin-mountain coupling from the stratigraphy in the foreland basin. The research areas include the Sichuan Mesozoic foreland basin and Erdos Mesozoic foreland basin in the central part of China. The research shows that the foreland basin is relatively well coupled with the orogenic belt. The filling sediment features of the foreland basin mirror the formation and evolution of the orogenic belts and the subsidence of the foreland basin. The migration of the upward-coarsening sedimentary succession and the stratigraphic unconformity toward the direction of the foreland basin reflects the evolutionary process of the consecutive uplift of the orogenic belt toward the foreland. The lithological feature of the sediments in the foreland basin reflects the double-source supply and the orogenic-belt erosion. The structure of the system tracts in the sequence stratigraphy and the stratigraphic accumulation pattern are mainly controlled by the change in the subsidence rate of the foreland basin.
Key words:
- foreland basin /
- basin-mountain coupling /
- Sichuan basin /
- Erdos basin
图 5 鄂尔多斯中生代前陆盆地两种地层堆积模式(据文献[13]修改)
A.上三叠统快速构造沉降地层堆积方式; B.中侏罗统缓慢构造沉降地层堆积方式.①, ③表示沉积基准面上升期; ②表示沉积基准面下降期
Fig. 5. Summary of two strata models of Erdos Mesozoic foreland basin
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