On Reefs in Association with Marine Oilfields: Actuality, Problems and Prospects
摘要: 生物礁是良好的油气聚集场所.几十年来我国在生物礁及其含油气性研究、生物礁发育分布规律及其控制因素研究等方面均取得了丰硕的成果, 油气区隐伏生物礁的地球物理识别与预测方法也日趋成熟, 生物礁储层形成机理与预测研究进一步深入.油气区生物礁研究中仍存在一些问题: 一是生物礁基础研究综合程度不够; 二是生物礁成油系统研究薄弱; 三是生物礁分布规律与地质预测精细程度不够.油气区生物礁研究的发展趋势: 一是生物礁基础研究将向综合的生物礁生态-沉积体系研究以及生物礁地球生物学研究方向发展; 二是生物礁与油气成藏研究结合将更加紧密; 三是油气区生物礁的研究手段向多方法的交互验证与集成研究过渡; 四是生物礁储层预测与描述技术将得到进一步发展.Abstract: Reefs were believed to be favorable rocks for hydrocarbon accumulation. Great progress was made in the past decades through the investigation of reefs in China; they include the distributions, the controlling factors and the oil-bearing properties of the reefs. The identification and the prediction of underlying reefs were widely carried out by geophysical techniques, and were more and more successful due to the enhanced understandings of both the geophysical features of the reefs and the mechanisms of the reef formation. Some issues related to the reef systems, however, need to be investigated and strengthened in the future. The comprehensive investigation of a reef awaits an integrated study on sedimentology, ecology, in particular geobiology. The deepgoing description and the elevated understanding of reef distributions help to enhance the prediction of reef reservoirs, and to acknowledge their relation with the petroleum-generation system. Multiple techniques and integrated methodology would be widely explored and cross-checked to enhance the prediction probability of underlying reefs in association with oil and gas.
Key words:
- reefs /
- geobiology /
- oil and gas reservoir /
- petroleum-generation system
表 1 我国地史时期生物礁的分布及含油气性
Table 1. Spatiotemporal distributions of organic reefs through geohistory in China and their relations to oil and gas
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