Building and Visualization of 3D Seismic Model
摘要: 在地震模型与正演中利用已知资料或虚拟建立复杂的二维和三维地震模型, 对进行后续地震模拟和面元分析以及合理地设计观测系统等工作是非常重要的, 同时为地震资料处理解释提供了工具, 为反演方法提供了必要的基础.根据地震模型特点对地震模型建立及其在计算机上可视化的一些算法进行了简要阐述, 对能很好地实现三维地震模型可视化的克里格插值、Delaunay三角剖分算法的原理进行了分析研究.在SeisWay1.0“地震模型与正演”模块中根据以上算法所生成的模型数据生成三维地震模型.Abstract: In the seismic model and forward, building complex 2D and 3D seismic models by making use of the known or virtual information is of great importance to the subsequent seismic modeling, binning analysis and rational design of geometry system. It also offers a tool for the interpretation of seismic data processing and provides the necessary infrastructure for inversion methods. This paper briefly describes some algorithms of building the seismic model and computer visualization according to the feature of seismic model. It mainly analyzes the algorithms of building 3D seismic model opern in computer visualization, such as Kriging Iterpolation and Delaunay Triangulation. According to the model-building data from the above algorithms, 3D seismic model can be built in "seismic model and forward" of SeisWay1.0 by means of blocks section modeling.
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