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    孟小红 余钦范 郭友钊 周姚秀

    孟小红, 余钦范, 郭友钊, 周姚秀, 2007. 毛北榴辉岩古地磁及岩石磁学初探. 地球科学, 32(4): 533-539.
    引用本文: 孟小红, 余钦范, 郭友钊, 周姚秀, 2007. 毛北榴辉岩古地磁及岩石磁学初探. 地球科学, 32(4): 533-539.
    MENG Xiao-hong, YU Qin-fan, GUO You-zhao, ZHOU Yao-xiu, 2007. A Pilot Study on Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Maobei Eclogite. Earth Science, 32(4): 533-539.
    Citation: MENG Xiao-hong, YU Qin-fan, GUO You-zhao, ZHOU Yao-xiu, 2007. A Pilot Study on Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Maobei Eclogite. Earth Science, 32(4): 533-539.


    基金项目: 北京市重点学科“地球探测与信息技术(XK104910598)”资助

      孟小红(1958-), 女, 教授, 主要从事勘探地球物理学领域的教学和研究.E-mail: mxh@cugb.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P631.2

    A Pilot Study on Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Maobei Eclogite

    • 摘要: 对中国大陆科学钻探孔区——江苏省东海县毛北地区的55块榴辉岩样品进行了古地磁研究, 并从中抽样测试了等温剩磁、磁滞迴线、磁组构、热磁化率以及电子探针和镜下分析, 结果表明, 毛北榴辉岩有两组稳定的剩磁, 即反向磁化和正向磁化, 稳定剩磁方向分别为: D=94.3°, I=-29.1°和D=273.7°, I=15.4°, 携带正向磁化与携带反向磁化样品的磁化强度和密度变化很大; 毛北榴辉岩的磁各向异性度非常弱, 最小轴方向很难确定; 等温剩磁和磁滞迴线显示磁铁矿可能是毛北榴辉岩的主要载磁矿物, 且在以Mr/MsHcr/Hc的对数为纵、横坐标的图上落在视单畴(PSD)区域.根据磁性特征, 对毛北榴辉岩的磁性载体成因、剩磁获得机制及构造意义进行了讨论.


    • 图  1  毛北榴辉岩及围岩退磁曲线


      Fig.  1.  The demagnetization curves of Maobei eclogite and its surrounding rocks

      图  2  毛北榴辉岩稳定剩磁方向赤平投影图

      Fig.  2.  Stereographic projection of the stable remanence orientations of Maobei eclogite

      图  3  (a) 磁化率与剩余磁化强度散点图; (b)磁化率与密度散点图

      Fig.  3.  (a)Scatter plot of susceptibility and remanence; (b)Scatter plot of susceptibility and density

      图  4  (a) 榴辉岩等温剩磁获得曲线及反向磁场退磁曲线; (b)围岩等温剩磁获得曲线及反向磁场退磁曲线; (c)磁滞廻线; (d)κ-t曲线

      图 3cHr=236.4 mT, Hc=63.6 mT, Hr/Hc=3.71, Mr=2.35×10-6A·m2, Ms=6.91×10-6A·m2, Mr/Ms=0.34

      Fig.  4.  (a)The curve gotten from isothermal remanence and the demagnetization curves gotten from reversed polarities of the eclogite; (b)The curve gotten from isothermal remanence and the demagnetization curves gotten from reversed polarities of the surrounding rocks; (c)Hysteresis loop; (d)κ-t curve

      表  1  毛北榴辉岩样品磁组构测量结果

      Table  1.   The measured magnetic fabric of Maobei eclogite samples

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