Classification and Well-Logging Identification of Eclogite in Main Hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project
摘要: 榴辉岩是中国大陆科学钻探主孔的主要岩性之一, 分布在3245m之上.根据测井响应特征, 如自然伽玛、密度、中子孔隙度等, 可以很好地区分榴辉岩与主孔的其他岩类.由于主孔榴辉岩具有不同的矿物成分、全岩化学成分和测井响应特征, 这为进一步详细划分榴辉岩亚类奠定了基础.从原岩的起源、氧化物含量、次要矿物等3个角度对主孔榴辉岩进行分类, 研究了基于多元统计学的榴辉岩亚类的测井识别方法; 利用该方法对重构的11种榴辉岩亚类进行测井评价, 将可以利用测井资料识别的榴辉岩亚类归并为6种; 根据对榴辉岩亚类的识别结果, 将主孔中榴辉岩划分为20个层段, 分析了各种榴辉岩亚类在主孔中的深度分布特征, 为地学研究提供了资料.Abstract: Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, is distributed over 3 245 m above the sea-level. Gamma-ray, compensating density and neutron well-logging and so on can be used to distinguish the ecolgite from others in the main hole. In the paper, because of diverse mineral and chemical components and well-logging responses, eclogites are classified in terms of three aspects: origin, content of oxids and sub-minerals. The studied statistical method in the paper is used to evaluate 11 kinds of reconstructed eclogites. As a result, eclogites can be divided into 6 types by using of well logs. With the identification of these six types in the main hole, 20 sections of eclogites are sorted and analyzed, which will provide important information for geological research of CCSD.
表 1 6种榴辉岩亚类重心与半径数据
Table 1. Centers and radius of six kinds of eclogite
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