The Application of Comprehensive Refraction Static Correction Method in Qaidam Basin
摘要: 在表层结构调查资料的约束下, 利用大炮初至折射静校正方法反演出精确、合理的表层结构模型, 进而求取炮点、检波点静校正量.选定柴达木盆地北极星工区04314测线进行地震模型数值模拟, 并对模型数据和野外地震资料进行多种静校正方法对比分析研究, 综合折射静校正方法的误差最小, 叠加效果最好.表明综合折射静校正方法结合了模型静校正和折射静校正的优点, 不仅较好地解决了影响剖面信噪比的短波长静校正问题, 同时也能解决产生虚假构造的长波长静校正问题.Abstract: Under the constraint of the surface structure investigation data and by using refraction static correction method on seismic reflection records, we can invert accurate and reasonable surface structure model, and furthermore, calculate shot and receiver static correction values. We select survey line 04314 of Beijixing area in Qaidam basin to construct seismic numerical modeling, and do seismic processing by using several different static correction methods to deal with the model data and the corresponding raw seismic data. The result is that the error of the comprehensive refraction static correction method is minimal and its overlay effect is the best. The comprehensive refraction static correction method combines the advantages of the model static correction method and the refraction static correction method. It not only solves the short wavelength static correction problem that affects the section signal-to-noise ratio, but also solves the long wavelength static correction problem that generates fictitious structures.
表 1 北极星04314模型静校正研究误差分析
Table 1. Comparison of Beijixing 04314 model′s static correction errors
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