A Study of Equivalent Deformability Parameters in Rock Masses
摘要: 岩体变形参数的确定对岩体稳定性模拟至关重要.提出了确定规则裂隙和不规则裂隙岩体等效变形参数的一种模型, 探讨了岩体等效变形参数的规律.通过对不考虑渗流-应力耦合时岩体等效变形性能的研究, 可以发现岩体的等效变形参数不仅与各组结构面的几何形态、结构面变形参数、岩块变形参数等有关, 而且与不同组系结构面间的交切形态有关.岩体的REVs具备以下几点规律: 首先REVs具有多尺度效应和不确定性.其次, REVs与结构面各几何形态要素之间有如下关系: 平均迹长越大, 平均间距越小, 方向角的方差越大, 结构面分布越凌乱, REVs的取值越小.REVs与岩块、结构面变形参数之间有如下关系: 结构面变形参数与岩块变形参数的差异程度对REVs的取值没有明显影响, 但是不同组系结构面或是同一组中的各条结构面, 其变形参数差异越小, REVs的取值将越小.Abstract: It is very important to determine deformability parameters in the simulation of stability of rock masses.A model to determine equivalent deformability parameters through regular and irregular fractures in rock mass is put forward in the paper.The research of deformability property of rock mass without consideration of the coupling behavior indicates that the equivalent deformability parameters are not only related to the length, orientation and deformability property of discontinuities, but also related to the connection of each group of discontinuities.It is found that the REVs of rock masses is of several important properties.Firstly, REVs has multi-scale effect and uncertainty properties.Secondly, REVs alter with the change of the geometrical properties of the network: REVs is smaller in the case of longer length, higher density and more disorder of orientation.The diversity between the deformability parameters of rock blocks and discontinuity has no effect on the value of REVs, while, if the deformability parameters of different groups of discontinuities become more consistent, the value of REVs is smaller.
Key words:
- equivalent deformability parameters /
- rock mass /
- regular fracture /
- irregular fracture
表 1 不同方向上等效变形参数计算结果
Table 1. Computed results of equivalent deformability parameters in different directions
表 2 确定12个不同方向上等效柔度矩阵时所需要建立的分析模型和荷载条件
Table 2. Analysis models and loading conditions needed for equivalent flexibility matrix in twelve directions
表 3 结构面几何形态参数及力学参数
Table 3. Geometric shape parameters and mechanical parameters of the structural plane
表 4 不同尺寸分析域等效模量计算结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of equivalent modulus computed results under different dimension analysis domains
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