Structure Style and Temperature-Pressure Estimation of the Detachment Fault Zone around Fangshan Dome, Western Hills of Beijing
摘要: 在房山岩体南北缘出露有太古代(基底) 官地杂岩, 官地杂岩与上覆盖层不同地层之间发育一条基底韧性拆离断层.宏观及微观尺度上拆离断层运动学标志均指示SE; 剪切带内发育区域动力变质作用下的矿物组合角闪石-斜长石及硅值较高的白云母, 对其进行电子探针分析, 计算出拆离断层韧性剪切变形的温压条件为: 温度492~555 ℃, 压力0.33 Gpa左右, 达到低角闪岩相.按正常的静岩压力计算, 该韧性剪切作用发生于地表以下12.9 km左右, 代表了中地壳韧性流变的变形环境.野外观察发现房山侵入体与官地杂岩及该韧性剪切带间均呈明显的侵入接触关系, 在侵入岩体南北边缘有大量的片麻岩等捕虏体, 沿杂岩的片麻理或韧性构造面理, 发育大量的石英二长闪长岩脉, 岩脉成分与房山岩体一致, 因此该韧性剪切带的形成应早于房山岩体侵位.如对房山岩体的侵入和改造进行复原和恢复, 该韧性剪切带代表了早期的伸展作用, 可能与房山伸展穹隆体的韧性变形同期.
- 房山变质核杂岩 /
- 韧性剪切带 /
- 石英矩形条带 /
- 角闪石-斜长石矿物对 /
- 白云母
Abstract: The basement ductile shear zone of the Fangshan extensional dome separates the Archean Guandi complex from various cover strata in southern and northern margins of Fangshan pluton.This ductile shear zone is composed of the ductilely deformed fabrics with an SE-ward kinematic, which can be deduced from rock and mineral deformations, including faultage offect and so on, on both macroscopic and microcosmic scales.Typical regional-dynamic metamorphic mineral pair hornblende-plagioclase and high pressure mineral muscovite with high Si are common and identified within the ductile shear zone.EPMA analysis of the mineral pair gives a metamorphic condition of T=492-555 ℃ and p=0.33 GPa, which indicates a metamorphic grade of lower-amphibolite facies and a depth of around 12.9 km estimated following a normal lithostatic pressure.Field evidences, including that Fangshan pluton intruded the Archean Guandi complex and the ductile shear zone, lots of gneissic xenolithes within the Fangshan pluton, and that a lot of quartz monzonite-diorite intruded along the fabric of the ductile shear zone, support that the ductile shear zone was formed before Fangshan pluton, and likely to be simultaneous with the formation of the Fangshan detachment zone of the extensional dome. -
图 1 周口店地区区域地质略图(据Yan et al., 2006修改)
1.太古界(官地杂岩); 2.中元古代长城系; 3.中元古代蓟县系; 4.新元古代青白口系; 5.寒武-奥陶系; 6.石炭-二叠系; 7.上三叠统; 8.侏罗系; 9.白垩系; 10.花岗闪长岩; 11.石英闪长岩; 12.云煌岩; 13.逆冲断层; 14.低角度正断层; 15.高角度正断层; 16.向斜轴迹; 17.背斜轴迹; 18.不整合; 19.S0面理; 20.S1片理; 21.侵入体流面; 22.研究范围
Fig. 1. Geological map of the Zhoukoudian area, SW of Beijing
图 3 周家坡(A-A′, B-B′) 及南观(C-C′) 韧性剪切带地质剖面图(C-C′)
a.周家坡地区地质简图; 1.太古界; 2.前寒武系铁岭组; 3.前寒武系下马岭组; 4.下寒武统府君山组; 5.中、下寒武统; 6.中、上寒武统; 7.奥陶系马家沟组; 8.第四纪; 9.正断层; 10.倒转正断层; 11.地层产状; 12.倒转地层产状; b.南观地区地质简图; c.A-A′, B-B′和C-C′地质剖面图; 图c中Z代表周家坡, N代表南观
Fig. 3. Geological section of the ductile shear zone in Zhoujiapo (A-A′, B-B′) and Nanguan area (C-C′)
图 6 白云母中Si成分等值线与p、T关系
空心方块为Md/1M多型域, 实心方块为2M1多型白云母域, 叉型方块为过渡类型(Massone et al., 1991, 转苏尚国和赖兴运, 1994)
Fig. 6. Relation of Si isoline in muscovite vs. p, T
图 7 与多硅白云母共生的钾长石、金云母(黑云母) +石英组合中多硅白云母Si原子数与p、T关系图解
图中符号表示实验的温度区间: 三角为350~400 ℃, 菱形为445~495 ℃, 方块为640~700 ℃ (Massone et al., 1991, 转苏尚国和赖兴运, 1994)
Fig. 7. Diagramming of Si atoms in muscovite in the combination of Ms+Kf+Phl/Bi vs. p, T
表 1 角闪石-斜长石探针分析结果(%)
Table 1. Microprobe analytic results of hornblendes-plagioclases pair
表 2 白云母探针分析结果(%)
Table 2. Microprobe analytic results of muscovite
表 3 角闪石-斜长石的温压计算
Table 3. Calculated results of T、p of hornblende-plagioclase
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