Method of Quantified Optimization Selection of Aquifer Traps as Underground Natural Gas Storages for Peak Demand Modulation
摘要: 含水层地下储气库和枯竭油气藏地下储气库是国外地下储气库的重要类型, 我国油气藏主要富集在陆相地层中, 油气藏的规模比较小, 利用枯竭油气藏建造地下储气库的潜力受到一定的限制, 而在古生界海相沉积地层中寻找含水层圈闭进行天然气储气库建设, 有望建立起规模巨大的含水层地下天然气储气库, 与国外经验不同的是, 在我国含水层中建设地下储气库与枯竭油气藏地下天然气储气库相比, 成为更为有利的选项.针对调峰地下含水层储气库库址优选问题, 引入气藏工程方法, 在考虑天然气消费调峰需求、含水地层渗透性、埋深、圈闭规模、钻井费用和压缩机费用等因素的基础上, 建立单井注/采气量、注/采气井数的压气机功率的联立方程, 求解单个含水层圈闭建库的最优投资额, 进而根据不同含水层圈闭建库的折算费用差额和投资回收期, 优选最有利的含水层圈闭作为进一步评价的对象, 使含水层储气库库址的优选建立在定量评价和决策的基础上, 为我国大规模开展含水层储气库建设提供技术支持.Abstract: Natural gas storages become more and more important in China with an increasing consumption of natural gas. Aquifer traps and depleted oil and gas pools are main types of underground natural gas storages in the world. However, in China, petroleum provinces are generally far from big cities and petroleum is mostly often produced from lacustrine deposit which is highly inhomogeneous, limiting the potential of storage capacities. Therefore, we suggest that aquifer traps of Paleozoic marine deposit should be explored as the main type of underground storages of natural gas in China. In this paper, gas engineering methods are introduced to formulate a method of quantified optimization selection of aquifer traps as underground natural gas storages. The parameters, like peak demand of natural gas, aquifers' permeability, bury depth, volume of traps, drilling and compressor power cost, and a group of combined equations related to these parameters are established. The resolution of these combined equations leads to an optimization of investment for each trap. By comparing the discounted investments and pay-off of all the traps, one trap could be selected as the favorite to be constructed as underground natural gas storage. The gas engineering methods make the optimization selection of aquifer traps based on quantified evaluation, which will provide technical support for constructing aquifer traps in China.
Key words:
- natural gas /
- underground storages /
- peak demand modulation /
- aquifers /
- optimization selection
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