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    李华明 陈红汉 赵艳军

    李华明, 陈红汉, 赵艳军, 2009. 三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏油气充注幕次及成藏年龄确定. 地球科学, 34(5): 785-791.
    引用本文: 李华明, 陈红汉, 赵艳军, 2009. 三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏油气充注幕次及成藏年龄确定. 地球科学, 34(5): 785-791.
    LI Hua-ming, CHEN Hong-han, ZHAO Yan-jun, 2009. The Hydrocarbon Charging Events and Ages in the Volcanic Reservoir of Santanghu Basin. Earth Science, 34(5): 785-791.
    Citation: LI Hua-ming, CHEN Hong-han, ZHAO Yan-jun, 2009. The Hydrocarbon Charging Events and Ages in the Volcanic Reservoir of Santanghu Basin. Earth Science, 34(5): 785-791.



    教育部科学技术重点项目 106113


      李华明(1962-), 男, 高级工程师, 在读博士, 主要从事沉积盆地油气勘探方面的研究.E-mail: lihm168@petrochina.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    The Hydrocarbon Charging Events and Ages in the Volcanic Reservoir of Santanghu Basin

    • 摘要: 油气藏油气充注幕次和成藏年龄确定一直是成藏过程研究的热点和核心问题.通过60块流体包裹体系统分析, 结合单井埋藏史投影方法, 分析了三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏的油气充注幕次和成藏期次, 确定了其成藏年龄, 从而对其油气成藏过程进行了研究, 认为三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏经历了石炭纪以来三期油气运聚的成藏过程.它们分别发生在259~230Ma、160~134Ma和70~0Ma, 其中早期(海西印支期)油气成藏对盆地深部油气勘探具有重要意义.


    • 图  1  三塘湖盆地及马朗凹陷南北向地质剖面油包裹体荧光色分布

      Fig.  1.  Distribution of oil inclusion fluo rescent colors along the profile at S-N direction of Malang depression in Santanghu basin

      图  2  条湖凹陷条湖组方沸石脉和长石斑晶中的油包裹体(左为透射光, 右为荧光)

      Fig.  2.  Pictures showing the oil inclusion petrological occurrence in anaclime veins and feldspar phenocrysts of Tiaohu Formation, Tiaohu depression

      图  3  三塘湖盆地油包裹体荧光光谱红绿商(Q)和光谱主峰波长(λm) 分类(排除了发黄色荧光而红绿商值小于0.2的数据点)

      Fig.  3.  Classified diagram on the basis of the relationship between the wavelength of the highest peak (λm) and the ratio (Q) of intensity of red fluorescence (I650)/intensity of green fluorescence (I500) of oil inclusions in Santanghu basin

      图  4  马6井埋藏史显示的烃源岩成熟史与各幕次充注油气的充注年龄

      Fig.  4.  Burial historic diagram of Ma 6 well showing the mature history of source rocks and the ages of each corresponding hydrocarbon charging events

      图  5  三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏“投影法”确定的油气成藏时间

      Fig.  5.  Diagram for dating hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the igneous reservoirs by the homo genization tempera ture projection method in Santanghu basin

      图  6  三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷各幕次油气充注年龄分布及充注方向示意图

      Fig.  6.  Distribution of hydrocarbon charging ages for each events and schematic migration directions in Malang depression of Santanghu basin

      表  1  三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏流体包裹体系统分析均——温度数据统计

      Table  1.   Data of homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in the igneous reservoirs of Santanghu basin

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