The Hydrocarbon Charging Events and Ages in the Volcanic Reservoir of Santanghu Basin
摘要: 油气藏油气充注幕次和成藏年龄确定一直是成藏过程研究的热点和核心问题.通过60块流体包裹体系统分析, 结合单井埋藏史投影方法, 分析了三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏的油气充注幕次和成藏期次, 确定了其成藏年龄, 从而对其油气成藏过程进行了研究, 认为三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏经历了石炭纪以来三期油气运聚的成藏过程.它们分别发生在259~230Ma、160~134Ma和70~0Ma, 其中早期(海西印支期)油气成藏对盆地深部油气勘探具有重要意义.Abstract: Studies of hydrocarbon charging events and ages have always been the hot and core issues of oil and gas migration and accumulation processes. In this research, systematic fluid inclusion analytical technology, such as fluorescent colors, micrcrobeam of fluorescent spectrum and the homogenization temperature (Th) of oil fluid inclusion, has been employed to find out that since the Carboniferous, there are three hydrocarbon charging events in the igneous reservoirs of Santanghu basin, and their charging ages are determined by Th projection on burial history curves method as follows: the first event occurred during 259-230 Ma, the second event 160-134 Ma, and the third event 72-0 Ma respectively. The regional hydrocarbon migration directions indicated by oil inclusion maturities suggest that the deep igneous reservoirs in the basin may have accumulated the earliest hydrocarbon (the Hercynian), which may be the favorable site for the next exploration.
图 3 三塘湖盆地油包裹体荧光光谱红绿商(Q)和光谱主峰波长(λm) 分类(排除了发黄色荧光而红绿商值小于0.2的数据点)
Fig. 3. Classified diagram on the basis of the relationship between the wavelength of the highest peak (λm) and the ratio (Q) of intensity of red fluorescence (I650)/intensity of green fluorescence (I500) of oil inclusions in Santanghu basin
表 1 三塘湖盆地火山岩油气藏流体包裹体系统分析均——温度数据统计
Table 1. Data of homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in the igneous reservoirs of Santanghu basin
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