Composition of Seawater and Fresh Water Cultured Pearls
摘要: 采用偏光显微镜、X射线粉晶衍射仪、傅利叶红外光谱仪、电子顺磁共振谱仪、拉曼光谱仪、原子吸收光谱仪等测定了淡水珍珠、海水珍珠及部分贝壳的矿物及化学组成.研究表明: 珍珠矿物组成单一, 主要由文石构成, 仅含少量球文石或方解石; 淡水珍珠明显富含Mn, 而海水珍珠中明显富含Na、K、Mg、Sr; 这种富集特征与淡水、海水中元素的富集特征相似.此外, 各颜色品种之间化学成分也存在微小的差异, 白色珍珠比有色珍珠更纯净, 所含铁、锰、铬等致色元素更低.紫色珍珠略富含Mg、Mn, 橙色者明显富含Fe, 而黑色海水珍珠的颜色可能与有机组分有关.Abstract: Petrographic microscope, XRD, infra-red spectrometer, electron spin resonance (ESR), Raman spectrometer, atomic absorption spectrometer were used to analyze the mineralogical and chemical composition of seawater and fresh water cultured pearls in this paper.The results show that pearls mainly consist of aragonite, with very few varterite and calcite.Fresh water cultured pearls are rich in Mn, but sea water cultured pearls rich in Na, K, Mg, and Sr.The enrichement character of freshwater pearl and seawater pearl is very similar to that of fresh water and seawater.There are detectable differences in chemical composition among different colored varieties.Violet pearls are slightly rich in Mg and Mn, orange pearls distinctively rich in Fe, and black seawater pearls probably have high organic contents.By contrast, white pearls contain little coloring elements such as Fe, Mg, and Cr.
Key words:
- cultured pearls /
- mineral composition /
- chemical composition /
- jewels
表 1 养殖珍珠和贝壳的XRD衍射峰d值
Table 1. XRD of cultured pearls and shells
表 2 珍珠中文石的晶胞参数计算结果
Table 2. Crystal cell parameter of aragonite in pearls
表 3 珍珠的红外光谱测试结果
Table 3. Analyses result of Infra-red spectrometer of pearls
表 4 淡水养殖珍珠与海水养殖珍珠化学成分分析结果(%)
Table 4. Chemical composition of freshwater cultured pearl and seawater cultured pearls
表 5 海水、淡水成分与海水珍珠、淡水珍珠成分对比
Table 5. Comparison in composition among seawater, freshwater, and cultured pearls
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