Trace Element Compositions in Conodont Phosphates Responses to Biotic Extinction Event: A Case Study for Main Act of Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point of the Permian-Triassic
摘要: 首次系统地利用浙江长兴煤山剖面牙形石化石, 依托中国地质大学(武汉) 地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室激光剥蚀等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS) 获取牙形石微区原位元素含量信息.结果显示, 牙形石的Ce异常和稀土总量出现快速的波动, 它们均反映出P/T之交环境(氧化-还原、生态条件等) 的不稳定性.这些微量元素特征可以很好地与古海洋环境和生物绝灭事件耦合.这一研究将为系统探索全球古生代末生物大灭绝及其后生物复苏的过程、时限与古海洋化学及古生态变化性质等问题的研究提供新的途径, 并有望对这些重要科学问题提供有效的制约.
- 牙形石 /
- 微量元素 /
- 原位 /
- 生物绝灭事件 /
- 激光剥蚀等离子体质谱仪
Abstract: Trace element compositions in Upper Permian conodonts with low color alteration index were measured in situ by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) from a stratigraphic section of the Meishan in Changxing, Zhejiang Province.The results show that the Ce anomalies and rare earth element (REE) concentrations are characterized by fast fluctuation.These features indicate highly fluctuating environmental conditions including redox and instable ecosystem conditions during the P/T transition.The element compositions couple well with the paleo-oceanic environment and the biotic crisis.The study effective defines and offers new approach for the key issues to the biotic extinction and recovery process, time limit, paleo-ocean chemistry and paleoecology at the end of the Permian.-
Key words:
- condont /
- trace element /
- in situ /
- biotic extinction event /
图 1 LA-ICP-MS对BCR-2G玻璃标准样品分析结果与参考相对偏差对比, 其中标样推荐值来自Gao et al. (2002)
相对偏差RE=[ (分析结果-推荐值)/推荐值]×100%
Fig. 1. Relative deviation of average concentrations in BCR-2Gobtained in this study from reference values of Gao et al. (2002)
图 2 浙江长兴煤山B剖面第24A-26层牙形石REE配分模式
PAAS标准化值据文献Gromet et al. (1984)
Fig. 2. PAAS-normalized REE patterns of Upper Permian conodonts at the Beds 24A-26 from the Meishan Section B, Zhejiang Province
表 1 LA-ICP-MS仪器工作参数
Table 1. Laser ablation and ICP-MS operating conditions
表 2 浙江长兴煤山剖面24A-26层牙形石REE和部分微量元素组成(10-6)
Table 2. REE and part trace element contents (10-6) of Upper Permian conodonts at the Beds 24A-26 from the Meishan Section B, Zhejiang Province
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