Improvement of PML Absorbing Boundary Conditions in Elastic Wave Forward Modeling
摘要: 在弹性波有限差分正演模拟中, 完全匹配层(PML) 吸收边界条件是使用广泛、吸收效果最好的吸收边界条件.在目前的两种PML实现方法中, 分裂形式的完全匹配层(SPML) 方法计算存储量大、编程实现复杂; 非分裂形式的完全匹配层(NPML) 方法计算效率低、计算过程复杂.针对传统PML吸收边界条件在实现过程中存在的问题, 推导出了一种简洁有效的非卷积实现的NPML吸收边界条件, 既不需要对场分量进行分裂, 也不需要做复杂的卷积运算.分析结果表明, 本文实现的NPML吸收边界条件不仅具有良好的吸收衰减性能, 而且计算方程简单, 编程实现容易, 占有内存更小.Abstract: In finite-difference time-domain modeling of elastic waves, absorbing boundary conditions are used to mitigate undesired reflections from the model's truncation boundaries.The perfectly matched layer (PML) is generally acknowledged as the best available absorbing boundary condition and very efficient to absorb both body waves and surface waves.The classical splitting PML (SPML) has some disadvantages: it needs much computer memory and has complex programming process.And the conventional non-splitting PML (NPML) based on time convolution needs more auxiliary equations or fields and computing time.We have induced a simple and efficient NPML based on non-convolution technology in this paper.The NPML we induced does not have to split the velocity and stress fields and also doesn't need to involve in complex convolution in time domain.The analysis result shows the new PML method not only has perfect absorbing performance, but also has simple computing equations, easier programming and less memory consumption.
Key words:
- perfectly matched layer /
- absorbing boundaries /
- elastic wave /
- forward modeling /
- geophysics
表 1 不同PML吸收边界条件方法比较
Table 1. Comparing of some kinds of PML absorbing boundary conditions
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