Characteristics, Well-Log Responses and Mechanisms of Overpressures within the Jurassic Formation in the Central Part of Junggar Basin
摘要: 准噶尔盆地腹部地区深层钻井揭示侏罗系发育异常高压系统.根据26口井的67个钻杆测试(DST) 和电缆测试(MDT) 数据, 实测砂岩异常高压揭示深度约在4470~6160m, 剩余压力约为11~57MPa, 压力系数为1.24~2.07, 砂岩段超压实测值主要分布在侏罗系, 少数出现在白垩系底部与侏罗系邻近地层, 1个超压实测值位于下三叠统, 实测超压砂岩样品的孔隙度和渗透率范围分别为3.20%~16.00%和0.02×10-3~14.40×10-3μm2;根据钻井、测井和测试资料的综合解释, 埋深在4430~6650m的深部侏罗系流体超压带, 钻井泥浆密度明显增加, 泥页岩和砂岩共同具有相对于正常趋势的异常高声波时差和低视电阻率测井响应特征; 超压系统顶界埋深可能不浅于4400m (地温约104℃), 有些钻井超压顶界可深达约6000m (地温约140℃), 且超压带顶界深度随侏罗系埋深的增加而增大; 钻井揭示的侏罗系超压带烃源岩镜质体反射率(Ro, %) 约为0.7%~1.3%, 超压带分布深度受控于侏罗系成熟烃源岩层的埋深且两者深度分布的变化具有相关性; 研究认为腹部地区已被充分压实的侏罗系异常高压成因主要与其含煤岩系干酪根热演化及油气共生有关, 即生烃增压; 物理模拟实验表明, 由于高孔隙流体压力可导致岩石骨架颗粒间有效应力的减小, 从而直接引起通过岩石的声波速度降低, 即出现高声波时差响应; 在超压地层温度条件下, 高压液态水的电离常数可能明显增加, 从而减小地层电阻率, 进一步开展此种现象的相关探索性研究可望对超压带低电阻率异常的原因给出新的解释.Abstract: The deep overpressured system occurs in the Jurassic Formation of the central area of Junggar basin.This has been confirmed by drill stem tests (DSTs) and modular dynamic formation tests (MDTs) with 67 measured formation pressures from 26 wells which reveal excessive pressures ranging from 11 MPa to 57 MPa with the pressure coefficients of 1.24 to 2.07 at depths between 4 470 m and 6 160 m.The measured overpressured values are mostly in the sandstone layers of Jurassic formation, only a few in the bottom of the Cretaceous formation and one in the Lower Triassic formation.The measured values of porosity and permeability of the overpressured sandstone samples range from 3.20% to 16.00% and 0.02×10-3 μm2 to 14.40×10-3 μm2 respectively.This fluid overpressured zone over depths of 4 430-6 650 m is coincident with marked increase of the density of drilling mud, as well as the response of overpressured shales and sandstones to high sonic transit times and low resistivity values relative to their normal trends.The observed data suggest that the burial depth of the top of magnitude overpressured zone may not be smaller than 4 400 m with a formation temperature of about 104 ℃, and the tops in some drilling wells are to reach as deep as about 6 000 m with a formation temperature of about 140 ℃, and the depth of the top of the deep overpressured zone changes with the burial depth of the Jurassic formation.The values of vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %) in the deep overpressured zone of Jurassic formation range from about 0.7% to 1.3%, which suggests that the variations of depth distribution of the overpressured zone are controlled by the burial depth of mature source-rocks of the Jurassic formation.This study indicates that the main origin of abnormally high pressures in the full-compacted Jurassic formation is generation-related oil and gas of the kerogen from the coal-bearing source-rocks.The physical simulation experiments show that the effective stress of rock framework reduces due to high pore fluid pressure, which can directly lead to the decrease of velocity of acoustic wave through the shale and sandstone rocks.As a result, the higher interval transit times respond to overpressuring rather than higher porosities anomaly due to compaction disequilibrium.Under the temperature of the overpressured formations, the ionization constant of high-pressure liquid water (near-critical water) may be increased, which is likely to decrease formation resistivity.Further study on this phenomenon is expected to offer a reasonable explanation for the cause of low formation resistivity in the observed overpressured zone.
图 8 不同围压条件下饱含水砂岩样品(中砂岩, 总孔隙度19.08%、有效孔隙度14.75%) 的纵波速度与孔隙流体压力和有效应力关系的物理模拟实验(实验温度20 ℃) 结果
Fig. 8. Profiles of relationships between P-wave velocity and pore fluid pressure/effective stress using water saturated sandstone samples (middle sandstone, with a total porosity of 19.08% and effective porosity of 14.75%) within different conditions of surrounding pressures with the temperature of 20 ℃ from the results of physical simulation experiments
表 1 准噶尔盆地腹部地区实测异常高压数据信息统计
Table 1. Measured data of overpressure and some related information in the study area
表 2 实测超压井段中砂岩的实测孔隙度和渗透率以及岩性特征统计
Table 2. Measured porosity and permeability of sandstone samples in the overpressured layers
表 3 准噶尔盆地腹部4口代表性井的超压顶界面的相关参数
Table 3. Parameters concerning the top of overpressure from the four wells in the central part of Junggar basin
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