Extraction of Remote Sensing Alteration Information in Tuotuohe, Qinghai Province
青海沱沱河位于西南“三江”成矿带的西北端, 具有优越的成矿地质背景和巨大成矿潜力, 已发现一批大中型以上规模的铅、锌、银、铜找矿靶区.沱沱河地区属于高寒区, 野外地质工作难于开展, 因此在该地区开展遥感找矿的研究是一种经济、便捷、有效的勘查手段.在ENVI软件的支持下, 根据与蚀变矿物组合相关的波谱特征, 利用掩膜+主成分分析+色度调整(MPH) 的方法从TM多光谱影像中提取与金属矿化有关的铁染与羟基蚀变遥感信息异常, 并结合地质资料, 区划成矿远景区和圈定找矿靶区, 取得了很好的应用效果.
Abstract:Tuotuohe is located at the north-west section of "Sanjiang" metallogenic belt, Qinghai Province.This area boasts favorable mineralization background and great ore mineral potential.Prospecting targets for large-and/or middle-sized lead, zinc, sliver, and copper deposits have been delineated.Tuotuohe area belongs to cold grassy highland where some of the traditional geological field survey and mapping are difficult to conduct.Remote sensing technology is expected to provide low cost and efficient means to facilitate mineral exploration.Based on the spectrum information of mineral associations involved in mineralization-associated alteration zones and with the support of ENVI software, the authors used an integrated masking-principal component analysis-histogram classification (MPH) method to process the TM multi-spectral image to extract patterns related to iron stained alteration and hydroxyl alteration of mineralization form.Geological data are integrated with the results of remote sensing image processing to divide prospective districts and delineate prospecting targets.
Key words:
- MPH /
- main component analysis /
- iron stained alteration /
- hydroxyl alteration /
- Tuotuohe
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