Carbon Isotopes in China Natural Diamonds
摘要: 中国两大主要的原生金刚石产地--山东蒙阴和辽宁复县产出有大量的高质量金刚石.通过对这些纯净金刚石碳同位素组成的激光消熔质谱分析, 发现这些地区单颗粒金刚石普遍存在碳同位素组成环带, 而且含固态矿物包裹体的金刚石比不含包裹体的金刚石的环带结构更为明显; 同时揭示了形成这些金刚石的碳来源于地幔深部, 即幔源碳, 而无来自地表的由重循环作用形成的壳源碳.Abstract: China' s two major natural diamond-producing mines-Shandong Mengyin and Liaoning Fuxian produce a large quantity of high-quality diamonds. EA-IRMS (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry connected with Elemental Analyzer) analyses reveal that these single-crystal diamonds ubiquitously bear carbon isotope zonation. And in both localities, the carbon isotope zonation is more apparent in solid inclusion-bearing diamonds than in non-inclusion diamonds. Carbon isotope nature in Chinese diamonds also demonstrates that these diamonds-forming carbons were derived from mantle, with no equivocal evidence for the involvement of crust carbons derived from the recycling of the surface sediments.
Key words:
- China /
- natural diamond /
- Carbon isotope /
图 2 中国华北原生金刚石及其寄主岩金伯利岩(据朱源和毛志海, 1991) 的碳同位素变化
同时与全球橄榄岩型和榴辉岩型金刚石和石墨(Deines, 1980;
Swart et al., 1983 ;Dein es et al., 1984, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1997;Javoy et al ., 1984 ;Boyd et al ., 1987, 1992;Galimov, 1991;Pearson et al., 1994; Sch ulze et al., 1997) 、大洋玄武岩(OIB +M ORB) 中的石墨(Exley et a l., 1986 ;Pearson et al ., 1994) 、火成碳酸岩以及古代和现代海洋沉积 物的碳同位素(Faure, 1977;San tos and C lay ton, 1995) 组成范围进行 对比Fig. 2. The range in carbon isotopes in Chinese natural diamonds and the host kimberlites from the North China
表 1 中国原生金刚石的δ13C值(%o)
Table 1. δ13C values (%) in Chinese natural diamonds
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