Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Early Paleozoic Strata in Eastern Guangxi and Its Constraint on the Caledonian Tectonic Nature of the Cathaysian Continental Block
摘要: 对广西东部大瑶山-大明山地区分别位于早古生代不整合面之下和之上的寒武纪和泥盆纪地层进行了系统的碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究.除少数为早太古宙锆石外, 寒武纪地层碎屑锆石的年龄主要有2.7~2.6、~1.8、1.4~1.1和~1.0Ga四组峰值及分别为250Ma和105Ma的热液改造年龄记录; 泥盆纪地层碎屑锆石除少数具有古太古代年龄外, 其余主要形成于~1.7和~1.0Ga, 并记录了强烈的~100Ma的热改造事件.这些特征表明, 研究区具有华夏陆块的属性, 扬子与华夏陆块的边界应位于该区西北以远; 经加里东构造事件后, 研究区沉积盆地的物源区发生了改变, 因而加里东期岩浆作用在本区并没有显示.结合前人研究成果分析, 加里东事件可能指示了已裂开古陆块与华夏陆块间发生的斜向碰撞, 而大瑶山-大明山地区为沿垂直于该碰撞方向挤压形成的被动盆地.区域地层中部分碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素组成的重置和热液锆石的形成, 反映了研究区在印支期和燕山期存在大规模流体参与的热改造事件, 这些热液对流作用应是导致本地区乃至整个华南褶皱带陆缘Au-Cu多金属矿带形成的重要原因之一.Abstract: A comprehensive U-Pb geochronological study of detrital zircons from the Cambrian and Devonian strata in Dayaos-han-Damingshan area, eastern Guangxi has been conducted. The strata contact through an unconformity surface, indicating an early Paleozoic depositing hiatus in the region. The Cambrian detrital zircons are characterized by age spectrums of 2.7-2.6,-1.8, 1.4-1.1 and-1.0 Ga with minor Meso-to Neoarchean grains as well as hydrothermal event records of 250 and 105 Ma. The Devonian detrital zircons, only few of which were formed in Paleoarcheozoic age, were dominated by-1.7 and 1.0 Ga grains and recorded a pronounced thermal event at-100 Ma. The geochronology suggests that the study area possessed a Cathaysian attribute in continental accretion and tectonic evolution during the Pre-Devonian, and thus infers that the continental boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks was located northwestern to the Dayaoshan-Damingshan terrain. Contrasting characters in geochronology of the Cambrian and Devonian strata indicate a shift in sedimentary provenance after the depositing hiatus. However, zircons with timing intervening the Cambrian and Devonian are absent, which suggests that Cale donian magmatism was minimal or lacking in the region and its proximity. Combined with previous studies, it is inferred that Caledonian folding was likely resulted from an oblique collision between the Cathaysia and a continental block which had moved apart later. This collision also resulted in a development of passive basin in Dayaoshan-Damingshan area by extruding along the vertical direction of pressing. Isotopic resetting and hydrothermal reaction are thought to account for the Mesozoic ages recog-nized in a number of detrital zircons. This observation suggests that large scale eonvecting hydrothermal fluids were involved in the Indosinian and Yanshanian magmatic and tectonic activities. Thus the convecting hydrothermal liquids are regarded as one of the key factors resulting in the mineralization of the late Mesozoic Au-polymetallic ore deposits in this region and plausibly along the whole southeastern margin of the South China fold belt.
图 1 广西大瑶山-大明山隆起区区域地质图(a.据陈开礼, 2002)及其在华南(h.据li et al, 2002)和广西成矿区带中的位置(c.据陈开礼, 2002)
1.第三系; 2.白垩系; 3.石炭系; 4.泥盆系; 5.寒武系; 6.震旦系; 7.花岗闪长岩; 8.花岗岩; 9.断裂; 10.省界; 11.采样点I.桂北成矿区; II.桂中成矿区; III. 大瑶山成矿带; IV.云开成矿区; V.右江成矿区; VI. 钦州成矿带
Fig. 1. Regional geological map of Dayaoshan-Damingshan area (a. modified after Chen 2002) and sketch maps show ing locrtions of the study area in South China(b. modified after Li et al, 2002) and in Guangxi metallization zones (c. modi-fied after Chen 2002)
图 4 广西大瑶山寒武纪(a)和泥盆纪(b)碎屑锆石U-Pb谐和年龄频数直方图及其与扬子(c.据Liu et al.2006)和华夏陆块(d.据于津海等, 2006)对比
Fig. 4. Concordia age histograms of detrital zircons from the Cambrian (a) and Devonian (b) strata in eastern Guangxi and their comparisons with those of the Yangtze craton (c. Liu et al., 2008) and Cathaysian block (d. Yu et al., 2006)
表 1 广西大瑶山寒武纪(LM06-1)和泥盆纪(GG-D-06-1)砂岩锆石U-Pb同位素组成及表面年龄
Table 1. U-Pb isotopic compositions and their apparent ages of detrital zircons from the Cambrian (LM06-1) and Devonian (GG-D-06-1) sandstones in Dayaoshan area of easterm Guangxi
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