Effect of Magmatic Processes on Fe Oxidation State and of Basaltic Melts: A Case Study for Late Cenozoic Basalts from the Leiqiong Area, South China
摘要: 使用幔源岩浆的铁氧化状态估算岩浆fO2是获得地幔氧逸度及岩浆过程对氧逸度影响的有效途径.使用湿化学法对雷琼地区晚新生代玄武岩的主量元素成分进行了分析,并结合一些前人的工作,发现雷琼地区玄武岩的Fe3+/∑Fe比值可分为两组: 一组比值为0.20~0.35,称之正常样品; 另一组比值为0.45~0.66,称之异常样品.采用氧逸度与Fe2O3/FeO之间关系的经验公式对这些玄武岩岩浆的氧逸度进行了估算,正常样品的氧逸度为FMQ+1.1~FMQ+2.4,略高于前人由地幔捕虏体获得的本区地幔氧逸度(FMQ-0.943~FMQ+1.235),这种差异可能是由于计算方法引起的; 而异常样品形成时的氧逸度范围为FMQ+3.3~FMQ+4.8,比地幔源区氧逸度高出2.0log单位以上,不能用计算方法的差异来解释.通过岩浆过程对fO2影响的讨论,认为分离结晶、岩浆脱气以及熔体上升过程中与岩浆通道物质之间的氧交换都不能解释异常样品的高Fe3+/∑Fe比值和氧逸度.许多异常样品采自近火山口,岩浆冷却速度可以引起fO2的重要变化,因为缓慢淬火过程中离子的局部结构调整可以使Fe2+氧化为更小的Fe3+.由此可知,缓慢冷却会使喷出地表的岩浆铁的氧化状态明显提高,所以使用玄武质熔岩估计其源区氧化状态时,应选择远离火山口的熔岩.Abstract: The major element composition of late Cenozoic basalts from Leiqiong area,South China is analyzed by wet chemical method. Coupled with some previous data,Fe3+/∑Fe ratios of these basalts can be divided into two groups,0.20-0.35 (named as normal samples) and 0.45-0.66 (named as abnormal samples). The oxygen fugacity in the basalt formation is calculated by the empirical equation which linked fO2 to Fe2O3/FeO. The relative fO2 of normal samples are about FMQ+1.1 to FMQ+2.4,slight higher than that of the mantle xenoliths found by previous researchers (FMQ-0.943 to FMQ+ 1.235). The difference may be attributed to the calculation methods,but the relative fO2 of abnormal samples are around FMQ+3.3 to FMQ+4.8,2log units higher than that of their source region,and that difference can not be explained in the same way as above. Through discussing the effect of magmatic processes on fO2,it indicates fractional crystallization,degassing and oxygen exchange between ascending melts and crust material and lithospheric material can not result in so large fO2 and high Fe3+/∑Fe ratio in abnormal samples. Many abnormal samples collected from craters and the vicinity of craters are always related to unusual high Fe3+/∑Fe ratios. Thus we believe that the local structure resetting in lavas due to slowly cooling rate,which will oxidize Fe^2+ to a smaller Fe3+ ion for size consideration during the densification process,has led to elevated Fe3+/∑Fe ratios of the basaltic melts. One important conclusion is: to estimate the intrinsic fO2 of the source region from which the basalts derived by Fe oxidation state of these basalts,sampling should be cautious and samples far away from the craters should be selected.
Key words:
- magmatic process /
- basalts /
- Fe oxidation state /
- oxygen fugacity /
- Leiqiong area
图 1 雷琼新生代火山分布图(a)(据黄镇国和蔡福祥, 1994)和异常样品与火山锥的相对位置(b)
Fig. 1. Sketch map showing distribution of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Leiqiong area (a) and distribution of the unusual samples and volcanic craters (b)
图 2 雷琼地区新生代玄武岩全铁含量TFe2O3(%)的分布(a), 雷琼新生代玄武岩Fe3+/ ∑Fe摩尔比的分布(b)以及雷琼地区玄武岩形成时的相对氧逸度和地幔捕虏体估计( Liand Wang, 2002)的地幔源区相对氧逸度的分布(c)
Fig. 2. Distribution of TFe2O3 content (a), Fe3+/∑Fe ratio (b) and ΔFMQ of Leiqiong basalts and the oxygen fugacity (c)of mantle source region beneath Leiqiong area
表 1 雷琼地区新生代玄武岩化学成分及相对氧逸度
Table 1. Composition and oxidation state of Leiqiong basalt
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