Mesozoic Zonal Lithosphere beneath the Southern Margin of the North China: Significance for Continental Formation and Evolution
摘要: 大陆岩石圈根的形成与破坏是当前固体地球科学的重大研究课题之一.对独具时空特色的华北东部地块南缘信阳中生代火山岩中一系列包括下地壳镁铁质-长英质的麻粒岩、榴辉岩、变辉长岩、辉石岩和上地幔橄榄岩等岩石包体进行了系统的定深、定年研究, 建立了华北中生代(~160Ma) 多块体结合部位的组成和年龄呈带状结构的岩石圈几何模型, 并在此基础上分析了形成的动力学过程.在华北南缘地表出露最老~2.85Ga的岩石之下的30km处(上部下地壳), 由年龄为3.6~3.4Ga的长英质麻粒岩和辉石岩组成; 更深处30~40km位置, 则由具古元古代年龄(2.0~1.8Ga) 的镁铁质-长英质麻粒岩和变辉长岩构成, 其形成过程与华北东部地块与西部地块的碰撞有关, 记录着全球性的哥伦比亚超大陆汇聚事件.Hf同位素数据显示在这次重要事件里, 既有新生地幔物质加入, 也有古老地壳(3.8~3.0Ga) 组分的再熔融作用.在来自下地壳更深处的榴辉岩(40~45km) 和上地幔橄榄岩(> 45km), 它们的主要年龄分别是古生代(440~260Ma) 和早中生代(228~219Ma), 记录着在显生宙不同时期扬子与华北碰撞的动力学过程.Abstract: The formation and destruction of the continental root is one of the most important going topics on the solid earth sciences.A series of deep-seated xenoliths, including mafic to felsic granulite, eclogite, metagabbro, pyroxenite and peridotite, from the Xinyang area with unique temporal and spatial meaning, at southern margin of the North China, were used to dating in ages and properties.The geometrical model of the zonal lithosphere structure in age and composition were suggested for the conjoint position of multi-blocks in Mesozoic (~160Ma).Basing on the zonal lithosphere, the authors also discussed the dynamic processes for its formation.The exposed rocks up to ca.2.85Ga old are underlain by felsic granulites and rare pyroxenites with zircon ages of 3.6-3.4Ga (to ca.30km depth).Deeper (ca.30-45km) parts of the lower crust consist of high-pressure mafic to felsic granulite and meta-gabbro, which give Paleoproterozoic (2.0-1.8Ga) zircon ages.Our data show the significance of underplating and vertical crustal growth in the Paleoproterozoic, which was related to the amalgamation of the eastern and western block of this craton and a global (Columbia) supercontinent assembly.Hf-isotope data indicate that both juvenile material and remelting of older (3.8-3.0Ga) crustal rocks were involved in this important event.Paleozoic (440-260Ma) and Early Mesozoic (228-219Ma) zircons are also found in xenoliths from the deeper part of the lower crust and the uppermost mantle (i.e., eclogite and peridotite).They are interpreted as reflecting geodynamic processes related to the continental collision between this craton and the Yangtze craton, respectively.The xenoliths from Xinyang diatremes thus record the growth and modification of the old (Paleo-Mesoarchean?) continental lithosphere by magma underplating during several tectonic events: assembly of the southern and northern parts of the Eastern Block in Neoarchean time, collision of the western and eastern blocks along the Trans-China orogen in the Paleoproterozoic, and subduction and collision of the Yangtze craton with the North China craton in early Paleozoic and Triassic times, respectively.
图 1 信阳中生代火山岩形成年龄及捕虏晶锆石其所揭示的岩石圈热事件
部分原始数据引自Zheng et al. (2008b); 最小年龄(协和的下交点,151.7 Ma)代表信阳火山岩的喷发年龄; 其他年龄包括: 208 Ma(1个颗粒的协和年龄); 451 Ma(8个颗粒的协和下交点); 1000 Ma(2个颗粒的协和年龄); 1 872 Ma(4个颗粒的协和上交点); 2152士25 Ma(7个协和点平均); 2 355 Ma(1个协和点); 2416 Ma(2个协和点); 2 670 Ma(1协和点)和~3404 Ma(1个近谐和点), 这些年龄基本上都可以在相应的岩石包体(Zheng et al.,2004a, 2008b)中找到对应记录
Fig. 1. Eruption age of the Xinyang igneous rocks and the lithos-pheric thermal events rllcted by zircon xenocrysts
图 2 多块体结合部早中生代火山岩(信阳)及华北东部相关岩石包体出露点
图中年龄数据(Ga)代表出露的古老岩石; 其他1~13代表其他主要的包体出露点: 古生代金伯利岩: 1.山东蒙阴; 2.辽宁复县; 新生代玄武岩: 3~5.山东山旺、无棣,栖霞; 6.河北汉诺坝; 7.河南鹤壁; 8.安徽女山: 9.河北平泉; 10.辽宁阜新; 11.山东方城; 早中生代闪长岩: 12.甘肃礼县; 晚中生代玄武岩: 13.内蒙古咯喇沁旗
Fig. 2. Major tectonice units, ages of some outcropping Ar-chean rocks and xenolith positions in the North China Craton
图 3 华北南缘岩石圈带状结构及所记录的动力学过程(Zheng et al., 2008b)
Fig. 3. Cartoon showing the continental collision and accretion events recorded in the deep lithosphere
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