Formational Mechanisms of Homogeneous Fluid and Boiling Fluid: Evidences from Synthetic Fluid Inclusions
摘要: 为详细了解流体的形成机制, 对系统的流体包裹体合成实验进行研究.研究表明, 在合成流体包裹体实验中, 广泛存在流体的均一化和沸腾作用; 流体的均匀与否, 与流体p-t轨迹在TP (H2O)-CP(H2O)-CP(NaCl-H2O) 曲线的部位有密切的关系.p-t轨迹在曲线上部的流体为均匀流体, 反之则为沸腾流体.但也有例外, 如在溶解曲线上被主矿物捕获的流体.这为本次研究一定条件下流体的形成机制、探讨成矿作用提供了理论依据.Abstract: Synthetic fluid inclusions were studied in order to discuss formational mechanisms of homogeneous fluid and boiling fluid in detail.The results of experiments of fluid inclusion synthesizing show frequent occurrences of homogeneous fluid and boiling fluid, was closely in relation to the position of its p-t locus in TP (H2O)-CP(H2O)-CP(NaCl-H2O) curve of p-t phase diagram of NaCl-H2O system determined whether the fluid was homogeneous.If it was at the upper zone of TP (H2O)-CP(H2O)-CP(NaCl-H2O) curve, then the fluid was homogeneous, otherwise, the fluid was boiling.But the fluid trapped on the solution curve of NaCl in water was an exception, for example No.10 experiment.This was very beneficial for us to study on the formation mechanism of fluid and mineralization in the ore deposit.
Key words:
- synthetic fluid inclusion /
- homogeneous fluid /
- boiling fluid /
- formational mechanism
表 1 合成流体包裹体实验条件
Table 1. The experimental conditions of synthetic fluid inclusions
表 2 合成流体包裹体的测试结果
Table 2. The measurements of synthetic fluid inclusions
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