Parameter and Index for Delineation and Evaluation of Co-Rich Crust Resources
摘要: 大洋海山钴结壳集海洋资源和环境双重信息, 各国对它的调查研究方兴未艾.钴结壳资源勘查的最终目的是圈定钴结壳矿区和开发钴结壳资源.迄今为止, 国内外尚未就钴结壳矿区圈定和资源评价给出具体的参数指标, 基于我国近十年对西太平洋26座海山钴结壳资源调查, 结合太平洋环境资料, 在深入分析钴结壳厚度、丰度、品位、覆盖率、资源量、面积, 海山坡度和水深资料的基础上, 对13座重点海山进行了钴结壳矿区圈定、资源评价和钴结壳分布规律的系统研究, 进而提出圈定钴结壳矿区的八项重要参数指标: 钴结壳矿区的结壳厚度为≥3cm或≥4cm, 取决于海山具体地理位置; 水深为≤2500m或≤3000m;Co含量为≥0.50%或≥0.60%;丰度为≥60kg/m2或≥70kg/m2; 坡度为≤15°; 结壳覆盖率为≥30%;钴结壳矿区的申请面积为17000~20000km2, 矿区最终保留面积为5000~6000km2.钴结壳矿区8项参数指标的提出, 将有力地促进大洋钴结壳矿区圈定、资源量计算和资源评价工作, 为我国积极参与联合国海底管理局制定钴结壳资源开发利用规章制度提供量化参考指标.Abstract: Marine Co-riched crusts are important as potential mineral resources for Co, Ni, Pt, Mn, and other metals, as well as for the paleoenvironment signals stored in their stratigraphic layers.The higher Co, Ni and Pt content of crusts relative to abyssal polymetallic nodules and hydrothermal deposits have made seamount crusts a potential target for commercial exploitation and has thus led to a surge of interest in their genesis and geochemistry.Twenty-six seamounts and guyots in the Western Pacific (Maggellan Seamounts, Marcus-Wake Mountains, Marshall Islands, Mid-Pacific Mountains, Line Islands) were sampled in detail, environmentally surveyed, and photographed by bottom cameras in order to better understand the distribution, origin, and evolution of marine Co-enriched crusts by Second Institute of Oceanography of SOA and Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey of MLR in the last decade.The major purpose of exploiting Co-riched crusts is to delineate and mine the deposits.Unfortunately, the parameter and index for delineating and evaluating the crust resources are not available so far.Based on the various data collected from the twenty-six seamounts and guyots, together with marine environment information of the Pacific, we have analyzed the changes of crust thickness, abundance, grade, coverage, resource amount, seamount slope and water depth by the quantitative method.We determined the mine area, studied the distribution characteristics of crust resources, delineated and evaluated the crust resources of thirteen typical seamounts and guyots.Accordingly proposed eight important parameters and indexes for delineating and evaluating Co-enriched crust deposits: (1) crust thickness ≥3 cm or ≥4 cm, depending on the different seamount locations; (2) water depth ≤2 500 m or ≤3 000 m; (3) Co content ≥0.50% or ≥0.60%; (4) abundance ≥ 60 kg/m2 or ≥70 kg/m2; (5) seamount slope ≤15°; (6) crust coverage ≥30%; (7) application area 17 000-20 000 km2; (8) reservation area 5 000-6 000 km2.The parameters and indexes we present here will promote the deposit delineation, resource estimation and evaluation, and will also provide the quantitative parameter index for our country's active participation into the establishment of regulations on exploiting Co-enriched crust resources by the International Sea-bed Authority of United Nations.
Key words:
- Western Pacific /
- Co-rich crust /
- resource evaluation /
- parameter index
表 1 研究区海山水深与钴结壳丰度、Co含量关系
Table 1. Relationship between seamount water depths and abundances, Co contents of crusts in study area
表 2 麦哲伦海山区海底照相得出不同水深段的钴结壳覆盖率
Table 2. Crust coverages photographed by bottom camera from different water depths in Maggellan Seamounts
表 3 钴结壳矿区和多金属结核矿区对比
Table 3. Comparison between cobalt crust deposit and polymetallic nodule deposit
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