Characteristics of Soil Salinity Profiles and Relationship between Salinity and Soil Particle Composition in Yanqi Basin of Xinjiang, China
摘要: 为查明焉耆盆地土壤盐分剖面特征及其影响因素, 进行土壤样本含盐量及颗粒组成测试, 利用Spearman等级相关分析两者关系.结果表明: 土壤盐分剖面分为3种类型——均布型、表聚型和振荡型, 均布型剖面含盐量最低且分布均匀, 表聚型剖面盐分表聚特征最明显(表聚系数4.20), 振荡型剖面含盐量高且变异程度大(变异系数82.4%); 土样类型中粉质壤土最多(占70.8%), 颗粒组成中粉粒平均含量最高(57.1%); 均布型剖面盐分与粘粒含量相关程度最高(相关系数0.560), 为极显著正相关; 振荡型剖面盐分与砂粒含量相关程度最高(相关系数-0.639), 呈极显著负相关; 表聚型剖面盐分与颗粒组成无明显关系.结合各类剖面分布区域可知, 在砂粒含量与盐分含量较低的非盐渍化地带, 土壤盐分分布主要受粘粒含量影响; 砂粒含量与盐分含量较高的盐渍化地带, 土壤盐分分布主要受砂粒含量影响.
- 土壤盐分剖面 /
- 颗粒组成 /
- Spearman等级相关 /
- 焉耆盆地
Abstract: To understand the distribution pattern of salinity in soil profiles and factors influenced, soil samples were collected from irrigated areas of Yanqi basin and tested for total salinity and soil particle composition, and then the relationship between salinity and particle composition was studied using the Spearman rank correlation analysis. Based on the analysis, soil salinity profiles in the area are classified into three types: equably distribution profiles (EDP), surface accumulation profiles (SAP) and oscillation profiles (OP). EDP are featured with the lowest and equal distribution of salinity; SAP are characterized by the most obvious soil surface salinity accumulation (accumulation coefficient is 4.20), OP by the highest salinity and the largest coefficient of variation (82.4%). Silty loam is the most common textural class (70.8% in all soil samples) and silt is the highest particle-size fraction of soil samples (mean content is 57.1%). In EDP the correlation coefficient of salinity with clay content (0.560) is the highest, and the positive correlation of them is extremely significant. In OP the correlation coefficient of salinity with sand content (-0.639) is the highest, and the negative correlation of them is extremely significant. In SAP the salinity is not obviously correlated with soil particle composition. Considering the existing areas of EDP and OP, it is found that soil salinity is mainly affected by the clay content in the non-salinization area with relatively lower salinity and sand content, and whereas it is mainly affected by the sand content in the salinization area with relatively higher salinity and sand content. -
表 1 焉耆盆地不同类型盐分剖面土样点分布状况
Table 1. Spatial distribution of soil sampling holes for different kinds of profiles in Yanqi basin
表 2 焉耆盆地不同类型盐分剖面土壤样本盐分统计值
Table 2. Statistical characteristics of soil samples for different kinds of profiles in Yanqi basin
表 3 焉耆盆地土壤类型分布
Table 3. Distribution of soil textural classes in Yanqi basin
表 4 焉耆盆地土样颗粒组成百分含量统计特征值
Table 4. Statistical characteristics of sand, silt and clay fractions in Yanqi basin
表 5 各类盐分剖面土样颗粒组成百分含量平均值
Table 5. Average content of sand, silt and clay in soil samples for different kinds of profiles
表 6 各类盐分剖面土壤含盐量与土壤粒度组分含量间关系(Spearman系数)
Table 6. Relationship between soil salinity and content of sand, silt and clay for different kinds of profiles
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