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    杜金龙 靳孟贵 欧阳正平 刘延锋

    杜金龙, 靳孟贵, 欧阳正平, 刘延锋, 2008. 焉耆盆地土壤盐分剖面特征及其与土壤颗粒组成的关系. 地球科学, 33(1): 131-136.
    引用本文: 杜金龙, 靳孟贵, 欧阳正平, 刘延锋, 2008. 焉耆盆地土壤盐分剖面特征及其与土壤颗粒组成的关系. 地球科学, 33(1): 131-136.
    DU Jin-long, JIN Meng-gui, OUYANG Zheng-ping, LIU Yan-feng, 2008. Characteristics of Soil Salinity Profiles and Relationship between Salinity and Soil Particle Composition in Yanqi Basin of Xinjiang, China. Earth Science, 33(1): 131-136.
    Citation: DU Jin-long, JIN Meng-gui, OUYANG Zheng-ping, LIU Yan-feng, 2008. Characteristics of Soil Salinity Profiles and Relationship between Salinity and Soil Particle Composition in Yanqi Basin of Xinjiang, China. Earth Science, 33(1): 131-136.



    国家自然科学基金项目 40472123


      杜金龙(1980—), ‚男, ‚博士研究生‚, 主要从事干旱区土壤盐分调控研究.E-mail:dujinlong104@163.com

    • 中图分类号: X141

    Characteristics of Soil Salinity Profiles and Relationship between Salinity and Soil Particle Composition in Yanqi Basin of Xinjiang, China

    • 摘要: 为查明焉耆盆地土壤盐分剖面特征及其影响因素, 进行土壤样本含盐量及颗粒组成测试, 利用Spearman等级相关分析两者关系.结果表明: 土壤盐分剖面分为3种类型——均布型、表聚型和振荡型, 均布型剖面含盐量最低且分布均匀, 表聚型剖面盐分表聚特征最明显(表聚系数4.20), 振荡型剖面含盐量高且变异程度大(变异系数82.4%); 土样类型中粉质壤土最多(占70.8%), 颗粒组成中粉粒平均含量最高(57.1%); 均布型剖面盐分与粘粒含量相关程度最高(相关系数0.560), 为极显著正相关; 振荡型剖面盐分与砂粒含量相关程度最高(相关系数-0.639), 呈极显著负相关; 表聚型剖面盐分与颗粒组成无明显关系.结合各类剖面分布区域可知, 在砂粒含量与盐分含量较低的非盐渍化地带, 土壤盐分分布主要受粘粒含量影响; 砂粒含量与盐分含量较高的盐渍化地带, 土壤盐分分布主要受砂粒含量影响.


    • 图  1  焉耆盆地地理位置图及土壤取样点空间分布

      Fig.  1.  Geography map of Yanqi basin and location of soil sampling

      图  2  焉耆盆地不同类型盐分剖面

      a.均布型盐分剖面; b.均布型盐分剖面; c.表聚型盐分剖面; d.振荡型盐分剖面; e.振荡型盐分剖面

      Fig.  2.  Classification of salinity profiles in Yanqi basin

      表  1  焉耆盆地不同类型盐分剖面土样点分布状况

      Table  1.   Spatial distribution of soil sampling holes for different kinds of profiles in Yanqi basin

      表  2  焉耆盆地不同类型盐分剖面土壤样本盐分统计值

      Table  2.   Statistical characteristics of soil samples for different kinds of profiles in Yanqi basin

      表  3  焉耆盆地土壤类型分布

      Table  3.   Distribution of soil textural classes in Yanqi basin

      表  4  焉耆盆地土样颗粒组成百分含量统计特征值

      Table  4.   Statistical characteristics of sand, silt and clay fractions in Yanqi basin

      表  5  各类盐分剖面土样颗粒组成百分含量平均值

      Table  5.   Average content of sand, silt and clay in soil samples for different kinds of profiles

      表  6  各类盐分剖面土壤含盐量与土壤粒度组分含量间关系(Spearman系数)

      Table  6.   Relationship between soil salinity and content of sand, silt and clay for different kinds of profiles

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