Multi-Provenance Fan Delta in the Sheling Formation, Liangjia Area, Yitong Basin, China
摘要: 伊通盆地梁家地区(二号断层上盘) 钻井揭示奢岭组是该区主要的油气富集层, 目前研究结果认为奢岭组储集层是由两个方向的扇三角洲混合沉积形成, 但由于资料有限, 应用常规方法无法清楚地认识两个不同方向的物源混合沉积的扇三角洲的内幕特征以及这两个物源如何动态地控制着砂体的分布, 影响了对该区油气储集层的深入认识.应用地震和地质资料, 在波阻抗反演结果二次解释的基础, 解析了这两个混合物源扇三角洲的内幕特征和演化特征, 得出3个结论: (1) 伊通盆地梁家地区奢岭组至少有4期扇三角洲沉积, 每期扇三角洲的沉积范围由下向上逐渐扩大, 反映了基准面逐渐下降的过程; (2) 奢岭组的4期扇三角洲是由两个物源混合沉积形成, 这4期扇三角洲逐渐由受从二号断层来的物源控制为主, 变为由受从北东方向来的物源控制为主; (3) 基于波阻抗体进行的砂层组解释和分析, 能够清楚地分析扇三角洲沉积体的内幕结构, 是应用波阻抗进行高分辨率地震分析和应用的一种新的分析方法.Abstract: Founding lithologic reservoir is of greater potential as the exploration changing from the structural reservoir into the lithologic reservoir, while the reservoir analysis is the focus of the lithologic reservoir exploration.In the Liangjia area, Yitong basin, drilling shows that most of oil & gas reservoirs lie in the Sheling Formation, which belong to the fan delta facies deposited jointly by two provenances.A new method is needed to analyze this fan delta detail and its control on the reservoir because of the big space of wells in the study area.In this paper, a new analysis method and idea on the fan delta deposited jointly is presented on the basis of the interpretation of the sandstone in the impedance cube and the shape of the different layers of sandstone created on the map, then the details of fan delta are analyzed.Three major findings are as follows: (1) Fan deltas of four periods are identified in the Sheling Formation, expanding gradually in the area; (2) The fan deltas were deposited jointly by the two provenances, which controlled different layers of sandstone; (3) The application of impedance cube offers a new approach to interpret, analyze the different layers of sandstone, and to identify the fan delta facies.
Key words:
- fan delta /
- provenance /
- impedance interpretation /
- Sheling Formation /
- Yitong basin
图 2 地震剖面和波阻抗剖面对砂体反映对比图(图 1中剖面1)
a.地震剖面; b.波阻抗剖面
Fig. 2. Indicative sandstone respectively by the seismic section and the impedance section
图 4 连井波阻抗反演剖面(图 1中剖面2)
Fig. 4. Impedance section of intersecting wells
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