Sand Veins and Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures from the Black Shale of the Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Formation (ca. 1.7 Ga) in North China: Implications for Methane Degassing from Microbial Mats
摘要: 华北地台中元古界串岭沟组暗色页岩中发育一种特殊的砂质脉状构造; 层面上表现为不规则密集分布的细砂脊, 垂向上由不连续薄砂层和近于直立的“肠状”砂脉体相交互组成.浅色砂脉由较纯的石英粉砂-细砂组成, 含微量自生白云石、菱铁矿及微晶碳酸盐岩斑块, 与黑色泥质围岩边界截然.研究表明, 砂脉构造可能是在早期成岩阶段前由来自薄砂层的细-粉砂灌入甲烷缓慢逃逸通道而成, 并由于压实缩短而褶皱成“肠状”.薄砂层与黑色页岩形成的能量条件完全不同, 可能系由风暴将海岸带或砂坝细砂带入低能环境而形成; 甲烷源自沉积中埋藏的微生物席腐烂分解.围岩层面有微生物席成因微皱痕和气体逃逸形成的气泡构造, 围岩中发现有细菌化石和草霉状黄铁矿.串岭沟组中密集发育的砂脉构造是目前地层中识别的最古老的甲烷排放证据, 并有可能作为指示地质时期陆源碎屑沉积环境甲烷逃逸的沉积标识.大量高效温室气体进入大气圈可能是导致元古宙地球表层高温室气候和无冰川发育的重要原因.Abstract: The Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Formation (ca. 1.7Ga) consists of up to 900m thick, dark-gray to black shale and fine-grained sandstone that are widespread in the North China platform. Abundant centimeter-scale sand veins are present within the black shale layers of this unit, particularly in the central part. Sand veins display ptygmatic shapes, perpendicular or with a high angle to sedimentary bedding. They penetrate the black shale layers but are vertically discontinuous and often terminated by thin, lenticular sandstone beds, forming small-scale 'tepee-like' structures. On bedding planes, sand veins are expressed as small sand ridges with 1-3mm positive relief. Lack of polygonal shapes and their occurrence in thinly laminated, deep-water shale prevent an origin from sand-filled desiccation cracks. Instead, their close association with microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS), such as micro-wrinkles and gas blisters, and putative bacteria fossils (possibly coccoidal cyanobacteria) and framboidal pyrites, suggests that they were formed by degassing of methane from microbial mat decay. Methane gas disrupted overlying sedimentary layers, creating fractures open to seawater. Fine-grained quartz sands, which were transported into the depositional environment by storm events, filled the open fractures. Sand-filled fractures were shortened and deformed during burial compaction, forming ptygmatic shapes. The presence of dispersed dolomite and siderite in these sand veins suggests authigenic carbonate precipitation from anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Sand veins are mainly distributed within the Chuanlinggou Formation and are spatially widespread in the North China platform. If their methane origin is confirmed, they may have important implications for the Mesoproterozoic plaeoclimate. With a low seawater sulfate concentration during the Mesoproterozoic, methane release from microbial mat decay and/or microbial methanogenesis during shallow burial may have been proportionally higher than that of the modern marine environments, with resultant increase in the relative importance of methane in maintaining the Mesoproterozoic greenhouse climate.
Key words:
- sand veins /
- methane degassing /
- microbial mats /
- Chuanlinggou Formation /
- Mesoproterozoic /
- North China platform
图 2 砂脉构造在剖面上的形态特征
a.层面上砂脊交织的复杂形态(硬币直径2.1 cm).b.层面上简单的砂脊形态.c.与砂脉共生围岩层面的皱痕构造(wrinkles, 一种微生物席成因构造).d.砂脉多发育在薄砂层之下, 砂脉向上不能穿越较厚砂层(黄色箭头), 但可穿越薄砂层(白色箭头), 或形成尖顶构造(红色箭头).e.发育在层面上的气泡构造(gas blister), 硬币直径2.1 cm; 破顶的大气泡(白色箭头) 和未破顶的小气泡(黄色箭头); 由气体缓慢逃逸上拱表层微生物席而形成.f.砂脊上顶薄砂层形成的尖顶隆起(蓝色箭头) 以及气体逃逸形成的“烟雾状”扰动构造(黄色箭头); 在上穿薄砂层的砂脉两侧, 存在可见的缝隙(红色箭头).硬币直径2.1 cm
Fig. 2. Photographs showing morphology of the sand vein structures on outcrops
图 4 砂脉构造的显微特征
a.砂脉与围岩接触界线截然, 泥岩富有机质纹层(黄色箭头), 砂脉中含黄铁矿(红色箭头); b.围岩中发育微生物席(膜, 黄色箭头) 以及选择性粘结形成的粉砂层(白色箭头); c.微生物膜(白色箭头) 构成的复合微生物席层(暗色) 与砂脉形成鲜明对比; d.砂脉由石英粉砂英组成, 分选较好, 含自生白云石(黄色箭头) 和菱铁矿(红色箭头); e.砂脉中有疑似微生物化石(红色箭头) 与草莓状黄铁矿(黄色箭头); f.砂脉中草莓状黄铁矿(红色箭头)
Fig. 4. Photographs showing microscopic features of the sand veins
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