A Comparative Evaluation of Degree of Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources for a Mining City
摘要: 从发展和循环经济的观点看, 由于科技进步的贡献, 矿产资源不仅取决于现今已发现的矿产资源, 还依赖于未来新的和潜在的矿产资源以及替代资源.基于此, 提出“矿产资源可持续力”新概念, 以表征其对人类社会发展的贡献能力.以系统论与可持续发展理论为基石, 建立了“矿产资源可持续力”概念模型及其指标体系, 以及区际间矿产资源可持续力的六因子评价模型, 对中国50座典型矿业城市进行了比较评价, 指出其可持续力演变规律为: 从矿业类型来看, 可持续力沿着石油、综合、冶金、煤炭类逐渐劣化; 从城市发展阶段来看, 沿着中、幼、老年顺序依次下降; 从城市地理分布来看, 沿着东、西、中部逐渐下降; 从城市规模来看, 按照小型、大型及以上、中型城市顺序依次下降.为国家开发矿业城市和矿业城市可持续发展提供了科学的决策依据.Abstract: In the perspective of development and circle economy, availability of mineral resources in a long term depends not only on their currently available amounts but also on future potential mineral resources (e.g., those undiscovered and low-grade ores) and substitutive renewable resources. Accordingly, a new concept of degree of sustainable development of mineral resources (DSDMR) is proposed to describe the ability of sustainable development of mineral resources to contribute to the development of human society. Its conceptual model, index system and regional six-factor judgment model are developed in the viewpoints of system science and sustainable development. They are used to evaluate the DSDMR of fifty representative Chinese mining cities in a quantitative way and their developing trends are indicated in the aspects of the type of mineral industry, age, location and size of the mining cities. The results show that the DSDMR of these Chinese mining cities decreases firstly in the type of mineral industry from petroleum to multi-resources to metallurgy to coal; secondly in city age from middle to young to old ages; thirdly in city location in China from eastern to western to central; and finally in city size from small to large and the above to middle. The results are expected to form a basis for decision-making in the exploration and the sustainable development of a mining city for a nation.
表 1 区际间矿产资源可持续力评价指标、功能及度量表
Table 1. Regional evaluation index, function and its measurement of DSDMR
表 2 因子名称及因子所含变量
Table 2. Controlling variables of the six major factors
表 3 2003年全国50座矿业城市矿产资源可持续力得分及排序
Table 3. Score and order of DSDMR for fifty Chinese mining cities in 2003
表 4 不同类型矿业城市可持续力、发展力、协调力平均得分及排序
Table 4. Average score and order of DSDMR, DP and CP in different types of mining cities
表 5 不同发展阶段矿业城市可持续力、发展力、协调力平均得分及排序
Table 5. Average score and order of DSDMR, DP and CP in different developing phases of mining cities
表 6 不同地区矿业城市可持续力、发展力、协调力平均得分及排序
Table 6. Average score and order of DSDMR, DP and CP in different regions of mining cities
表 7 不同规模矿业城市可持续力、发展力、协调力平均得分及排序
Table 7. Average score and order of DSDMR, DP and CP in different sizes of mining cities
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