Preparation of Potassium Carbonate from Potash Slate of Bayan Obo: An Experimental Study
摘要: 白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿床上部围岩产富钾板岩, 其K2O平均含量达13.0%, 钾资源储量巨大.矿石的物相组成以微斜长石、黑云母为主, 是一种重要的非水溶性钾矿资源.实验表明, 以碳酸钠为助剂, 经中温烧结, 矿石分解率达98.2%以上.烧结物料中K2O的浸出率约70%, 且在水浸酸化反应过程中, 大部分Fe3+、Ti4+、Mn2+、Mg2+、Ca2+等杂质离子与硅铝质胶体同时沉淀析出, 为制取电子级碳酸钾提供了可能.硅铝质胶体滤渣用于制备矿物聚合材料.采用本项技术开发利用此类非水溶性钾矿资源, 符合节能高效和“清洁生产”的要求, 兼有规模化经济效益和良好的环境效益.Abstract: The potash slate of Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit is characterized by potassium feldspar as major mineral phase enriched with potassium, from which potassium feldspar powder with purity up to 74% was prepared first. And then, with sodium carbonate as additives, the powder was calcinated at the temperature of 760 ℃ to 830 ℃, leading to thermal decomposition of potassium feldspar to form a mixture of sodium metesilicate and sodium (potassium) metaluminate. By injecting CO2 gas into the liquid coexisting with the calcinated materials and then filtrating it, the liquor became a solution of NaHCO3-KHCO3-H2O. By evaporating, crystallizing of NaHCO3, separating it from the liquid, and then purifying the residual liquor, evaporating, and crystallizing of KHCO3, owing to much lower solubility of the former, both of the precipitants were separated, and at last by calcinating the precipitants at 200 ℃ for 2 h, both sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate were prepared. The filtered aluminosilicate colloid was made into flyash-based mineral polymer with excellent mechanical properties and chemical stability. In this way, the components of K2O, Al2O3, and SiO2 in potassium feldspar of the ore are all made into industrial products, giving rise to nearly 100% output efficiency of the potassium feldspar resources, close to zero discharge of solid wastes, waste water, and exhaust gases. The technique is a "green process", characterized by energy conservation, and clean production. It is therefore feasible to be manufactured both for economic benefits and environmental friendliness.
Key words:
- insoluble potassium ore /
- potash slate /
- potassium feldspar /
- potassium carbonate /
- mineral polymer.
表 1 富钾板岩及其烧结物料的化学成分分析结果(%)
Table 1. Chemical analysis of the potash slate and the calcinated materials
表 2 主要矿物相的电子探针分析结果(%)
Table 2. Microprobe analysis of the principal minerals
表 3 富钾板岩粉体的烧结实验结果
Table 3. Representative results of the potash slate calcination experiments
表 4 浸取液的化学成分分析结果
Table 4. Chemical analysis of the leaching liquor after acidification by entrancing CO2
表 5 蒸发过程中溶液的pH值和比重的变化
Table 5. Variations of pH value and density of the liquor while evaporated
表 6 实验制备的碳酸钠制品与GB210-92的对比
Table 6. Chemical analysis results of the prepared sodium carbonate
表 7 实验制备的碳酸钾的分析结果
Table 7. Chemical analysis results of the prepared potassium carbonate
表 8 提钾滤渣的化学成分分析结果(%)
Table 8. Chemical analysis of the aluminosilicate colloidal residue from the potash slate
表 9 实验制品(TJ-3) 的耐腐蚀性的测试结果
Table 9. Anti-etching test results of the mineral polymer product (TJ-3)
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