Major Factors Controlling Formation of Large and Intermediate Gas Fields with High Gas Accumulation Efficiency in Different Types of Basins in China
摘要: 利用天然气地质储量、含气面积和成藏时期, 定义和求取了气藏天然气聚集效率.通过我国60余个大中型气田天然气聚集效率的计算, 将其分为高效、中效和低效3种类型.通过天然气聚集效率与各种成藏条件叠合研究得到, 我国不同类型盆地高效大中型气田形成主要受源岩供气能力、输导层输导能力和天然气封盖保存能力的控制.要形成高效大中型气田, 源岩生气强度前陆盆地一般应大于80×108 m3/km2·Ma, 克拉通盆地一般应大于26×108 m3/km2·Ma, 裂谷盆地应大于60×108 m3/km2·Ma.输导层输导天然气能力前陆盆地和裂谷盆地应大于5×10-14 m/Pa·s, 克拉通盆地一般应大于6×10-12m/Pa·s.盖层封盖能力CSI前陆盆地一般应大于1×1010 m/s, 克拉通盆地一般应大于5×109 m/s, 裂谷盆地一般应大于3×1010 m/s.天然气成藏期前陆盆地一般应晚于古近纪中期, 而克拉通和裂谷盆地均应晚于古近纪早期.Abstract: In this paper, gas accumulation efficiency was defined and calculated in terms of gas reserves, gas-bearing areas and accumulation periods. The calculation of gas accumulation efficiencies for about 60 large and intermediate gas fields in China concludes three types of large and intermediate gas fields with high, middle and low gas accumulation efficiencies. The comprehensive study of gas accumulation efficiency and different pooling conditions reveals that the formation of large and intermediate gas fields with high gas accumulation efficiency in different types of basins in China was controlled by gas supply of source rocks, gas transportation and gas seal and preservation. The creation of high gas accumulation intensity of source rocks in the large and intermediate gas fields is indispensable to the foreland basin often greater than 80×108 m3/km2·Ma, to the cratonic basin often greater than 26×108 m3/km2·Ma, and to the rift basin often greater than 60×108 m3/km2·Ma. The gas transportation velocity of transporting layer in the foreland and rift basins should often be greater than 5×10-14 m/Pa·s, that in the cratonic basin greater than 6×10-12 m/Pa·s. The comprehensive caprock seal index in the foreland basin should often be greater than 1×1010 m/s, that in the cratonic basin greater than 5×109 m/s, and that in the rift basin greater than 3×1010 m/s. The gas accumulation period in the foreland basin should often be later than the Middle Eogene, and that in the cratonic and rift basins later than the Early Eogene.
表 1 我国大中型气田天然气聚集效率及其主控因素特征
Table 1. Characteristics of gas accumulation efficiency and its main controlling factors of big and middle gas fields in China
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