Architecture Design and Imple mentation of Service Interfaces in LBS Platform
摘要: 通过空间位置服务平台对位置服务领域中众多复杂的空间信息数据进行有效地整合和资源共享, 可以为用户提供综合性的位置应用和服务.利用基于空间信息网格(spatial information grid, SIG) 的分布式思想对空间位置服务平台的架构进行了模型设计和技术实现, 完成了地图数据和定位查询的分布式存储和检索.平台服务接口满足开放位置服务(openlocation service, OpenLS) 规范, 利用XML进行信息编码, 通过HTTP进行数据传输, 介绍了相应的接口内容和调用示例.针对定位信息的更新和传递提出了一种新的基于Push的主动通知机制, 提供与各种定位接口的数据转换和消息处理能力, 高效地实现了位置应用和服务平台之间的消息传递.最后结合MAPGIS平台和CDMA手机定位技术进行了原型系统的实现, 验证了平台理论模型和服务接口的可用性.
- 地理信息系统(GIS) /
- 位置服务(LBS) /
- 空间信息网格(SIG) /
- OpenLS /
Abstract: Through the LBS (location based service) platform, spatial information data can be conformed and shared in LBS fields and the platform can provide integrated applications and services. The architecture of the LBS platform based on the SIG (spatial information grid) distributed model is discussed in detail in order to store map data and query location information. The interfaces of the LBS platform accord with the criterion of OpenLS and can be transported in HTTP communication protocol by XML code. The interfaces are discussed using many examples. Compared with the traditional pull mode, a new location notification method based on push is researched in this paper. The push mechanism can fit the need for high capability of data transformation and management, and transporting information between the LBS platform and applications. An example system based on MAPGIS and CDMA location technology has been designed and developed, validating the platform model and interface usability.-
Key words:
- GIS /
- location based service /
- spatial information grid /
- open location service /
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