Land Use Planning CAD System Based on GIS
摘要: 土地利用规划方案调整工作过程复杂手、工制作工作量大, 因此传统解决方式只能制作很少的备选方案对相关因素进行定性分析来供领导决策, 以至周期长、风险大; 通过GIS技术将信息化管理引入土地规划编制业务领域, 利用计算机的海量存储能力解决大量规划编制成果的处理问题, 计算机的高速数字化处理能力解决规划方案调整过程中多方案生成与对比的问题, 利用先进的网络技术实现规划指标的动态管理及规划审批的自动规范化管理, 利用GIS技术实现多种专题分析工具, 方便规划因素的定量分析, 达到辅助规划编制的目的.实践表明, 过去需要一个月才能完成的任务现在只需要几天时间并且质量明显好于手工作业方式, 大大提高了工作效率.Abstract: Adjusting land use planning is an important task in land management. Doing so manually provides few options for decision-making, potentially leading to poor decisions. Through using GIS technology, information management is applied in the land use planning field, providing a solution for dealing with land use planning data by making use of modern high computer storage capacity. This paper also presents a way to make and compare multi-schemas in adjusting land use planning by making use of computer data processing.We have achieved a way to dynamically manage land use planning quota by making use of a spatial database and analytical tools for quantitative analysis, improving planning quality and lessening time spent on such projects.
Key words:
- planning CAD /
- planning fruit /
- quota /
- adjusting scheme /
- multi-layer analytical tool
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