Design of MAPSUV Digital Surveying and Mapping Production Management System
摘要: 测绘成果为区域经济规划、国土资源调查以及农林水利、能源交通、城市规划建设等诸多方面提供大量与地理位置有关的基础信息, 因而在整个测绘部门的管理中成果管理显得尤为重要.而基于MAPSUV数字测绘平台的成果管理系统, 以工程测量中的地形图为背景, 以各种等级控制点为核心, 利用计算机技术、地理信息系统(GIS) 技术、数据库技术、图象处理技术、网络通讯以及多媒体技术, 在测绘行业日常业务的基础上, 开发出了适合实际需要的数字化成果管理信息系统建立成果数据库和共享数据库.Abstract: Surveying and mapping production provides base geographical information that can assist many endeavors, including the economic layout of an area, land resource surveying, farming, forest and water conservation, energy sources, traffic, city planning and construction. Thus, the production management of a surveying and mapping department is important. Production management system based on the MAPSUV digital surveying and mapping platform that is setting of relief map with project survey, with a core of kinds of grade reference point, using various GIS and database technologies, and makes use of a digital production management system that is fit for the factual needs of a production database, and enables the sharing of the database with base on surveying and mapping trade daily operation.
Key words:
- digital surveying and mapping /
- production management /
- database /
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