Application of Grid Service on Geology Survey Spatial Data Service
摘要: 将服务网格引入地质调查空间数据服务中可以提高地质调查领域海量数据的处理速度, 解决异构环境下协同处理及在广域范围内的数据共享问题.分析了当前地质调查空间数据服务面临的存储、组织和共享的问题, 提出了将服务网格技术应用于地质调查空间数据服务的技术框架, 该框架基于网格服务和Web Service技术, 框架定义了应用层、网格服务层、网络资源层, 该框架的特点是面向服务和可扩展性; 基于WSDL (web service descriptionlanguage) 和SOAP+HTTP协议, 构建了一种地质空间数据网格的体系架构、功能结构, 实现了地质调查空间数据服务应用系统.结果表明, 将服务网格技术应用到地质空间数据服务领域是可行的, 在网络数据共享及计算资源互操作方面提供了先进的资源共享模型.
- 服务网格 /
- 地质调查空间数据服务 /
- WebService
Abstract: Bringing the service grid into the geological survey spatial data service area can greatly improve the processing speed of geological data, and can solve cooperation issues in isomerous environment and the data sharing problem on wide area network (WAN). This paper discusses the issues of data storage, organizing and sharing on spatial data service in geology survey, proposes the technology frame for applying the grid technology to geological survey spatial data, this frame based on on concepts and technologies from the grid and web service communities, the frame defines network resource layer, network service layer and application layer. Service oriented and extendable are the characteristics of the frame. Based on web services description language (WSDL) and SOAP+HTTP protocol, it has built an architecture which is fit for the geological spatial data grid, and implemented the geological survey spatial data service application system. The results show that applying grid technology to geological spatial data service area is possible. It provides advanced resource sharing mode from the aspect of data sharing and computes resource interoperation on the network.-
Key words:
- service grid /
- geology survey spatial data service /
- Web Service
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