Research and Realization of WFS Based on GML
摘要: 网络要素服务(webfeature services, WFS) 是空间数据互操作的一个重要组成部分, 能为不同GIS数据格式提供要素级的交互.基于地理标志语言(geography markup language, GML) 的WFS能够为Web环境下的空间数据互操作技术和空间信息处理互操作技术提供简单而又有效的基本数据访问、要素编辑(包括添加、删除、更新)、要素的组合查询.通过研究开放式GIS联盟(open GIS consortiumInc., OGC) 的标准规范, 使用MAPGIS基础平台和.NET编译环境实现WFS, 使用XML传输和存储地理信息, 其中包括属性和地理要素的几何属性.最后给出了以MAPGIS平台为基础的基于GML的WFS的体系结构和实现方法.WFS只解决了空间数据互操作的一部分, 为了更好的进行空间数据互操作, WCS、WCTS的实现是必不可少的.Abstract: WFS (web feature services) is an important part of spatial data interoperability, providing feature-level operations for different GIS data formats. WFS, based on GML (geography markup language), is able to briefly and effectively support the interfaces of essential data access, feature edition including feature adding, feature deleting and feature updating, and combinational searching of features. Through researching the normal specifications of OGC (open GIS consortium Inc.), using the basic MAPGIS platform and editing environment of.Net, the authors create a WFS, which uses the XML transport and storage of geographic information including both properties and geometry of geograpy. Finally this paper puts forward a set of WFS architecture and implementation methods based on GML, running on the MAPGIS platform. WFS implements part of the function of spatial data interoperability. WCS and WCTS are absolutely necessary in order to be good to spatial data interoperability.
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