Component Embedded GIS for Network Applications
摘要: 解决在嵌入式有限的资源条件下 (硬件处理速度、存储容量等) , 大容量空间信息的压缩与检索、与大型GIS系统交互等关键技术问题.系统综合应用了构件 (component , 组件) 技术、中间件技术、嵌入式操作系统和网络通讯技术.基于该系统的实际应用, 证明了它能够实现嵌入式设备上的空间信息管理、浏览、查询、分析处理等GIS功能;并支持嵌入式地理信息终端与大型GIS系统的交互、网络服务 ( Web Service) 以及实现系统间功能的互操作.Abstract: This project is researching and developing key technologies of compression and search for mass space information under the condition of very limited resources available, which is quite common in embedded environment. It also aims to develop the technologies for intercommunication between the embedded GIS system and the Web GIS system. This embedded GIS system comprehensively uses component, mid-ware, embedded OS and network communication technologies, realizing the interfaces of visualizing, managing, querying and analyzing of space information.
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