Design and Realization of MAPGIS7.0 Management Based on DBMS
摘要: 提出了一种“版本化”的地理数据库管理模式和基于DBMS (database management system) 的版本管理模型, 讨论了其设计过程和层次结构, 给出了关键算法及MAPGIS7.0中版本管理的实现技术, 解决了传统GIS软件不能并发处理长事务的难题。该版本管理工具已经在国家“863”项目---地质调查空间数据管理系统良好地运行, 能够满足多用户长期并发编辑地图的要求.Abstract: This paper presents a "versioned" managing mode to manage the geological database, and a model of version management based on DBMS. The design process and architecture are discussed, as well as the main arithmetic and technologies of version realization in MAPGIS 7.0. It solves the concurrency control problem of long-duration transaction which cannot be solved by traditional GIS software. Test shows that in actual application, users can do cooperative editing for a long term with MAPGIS7.0. Now it has been successfully applied to the national geological survey spatial database management system.
Key words:
- long transaction /
- version
表 1 添加要素: 向AMFXX表中添加一条记录
Table 1. Add a feature: insert to AMFXX
表 2 更新要素: 向DMFXX表中添加一条记录
Table 2. Update a feature: insert to DMFXX
表 3 更新要素: 向AMFXX表中添加一条记录
Table 3. Update a feature: insert to AMFXX
表 4 删除要素: 向DMFXX表中添加一条记录
Table 4. Delete a feature: insert to DMFXX
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