Service-Oriented Distributed Spatial Information Supporting System
摘要: 基于Web服务技术构建空间信息系统有助于提高其可扩展性和互操作能力, 该技术也是这一领域中的热点.提出了一种面向服务的模型框架, 并基于该框架提出了基于Web服务的网格层次体系结构, 并给出一种Web服务与空间信息技术相融合的机制, 介绍了基于Web服务的空间信息网格支撑环境的总体结构和设计原理, 为基于Web服务的空间信息系统设计与实现提供了一种新的方法.Abstract: Web service-based approach for spatial information system can improve the extensibility and interoperability. In this paper, a service-oriented distributed spatial model is discussed; within the model framework, a web service-based architecture is presented. An approach of integrating web service and spatial information system is proposed. An architecture of a web service-based grid supporting system is introduced, which gives a new approach to web service based spatial information system architecture.
Key words:
- distributed GIS /
- service-oriented computing /
- Web Service
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