Design Modeling for Deep Foundation Dewatering Ejector
摘要: 为方便工程技术人员优化设计并合理地选用降水同心式喷射泵, 介绍了同心式喷射泵井点降水系统结构和应用特点, 建立了深层降水喷射泵降深与结构、性能参数等之间的优化数学模型.既可通过该数学模型, 按降水深度和排水量的要求, 选择工作泵的压力和流量, 设计喷射泵的结构; 又可根据喷射泵设计的数学模型计算特定降深的排水量, 进行深基础降水设计.Abstract: In order to design optimally and apply rationally a single pipe ejector, this paper describes the structural and application characteristics of a single pipe ejector system. The basic optimum formulae are created between the parameter relationships of dewatering depth and the size of the ejector, and the performance of the centrifugal pump. It is simple and convenient to select the performance parameters of the centrifugal pump and design a single pipe ejector system according to dewatering depth and yield, and to calculate the yield of the dewatering depth through the ejector and design a deep foundation dewatering system.
Key words:
- deep foundation dewatering /
- ejector /
- basic formula /
- dewatering depth
表 1 单管同心式喷射泵结构、性能参数
Table 1. Single pipe ejector main size and technical parameter
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