Reuse-Based Software Architecture Evaluation Methods
摘要: 针对目前软件构架评估方法未考虑复用构架评估知识的局限性, 提出一种新的、基于构架评估知识复用的软件构架评估模式(包括软件构架评估方法元模型和应用框架).运用一致的评估元模型, 建立高层模型, 辅助构架评估决策; 并在应用框架支持下, 系统地复用评估历史数据, 将SAEM的活动整合为一个系统的、可复用的、可管理的过程.该方法已成功应用于中国探月工程地面应用系统的软件构架评估, 降低了深空探测航天复杂系统的研制风险.Abstract: The limit of the current scenario-based software architecture evaluation (SAE) is not taken into account the knowledge reuse of SAE. A new reused-based software architecture evaluation pattern, which includes meta-model and application framework, is proposed in this paper for integrating the SAE into a systematic and reusable procedure. Exploiting the meta-model and the application framework of SAE can make decision of SAE in high-level and reuse the historic data of SAE. Finally, this pattern is successfully applied and validated in the software architecture of the ground system for data, research and application of lunar exploration program of China. The pattern reduces the research risk of deep-space exploration complex system.
表 1 基于场景的软件构架评估方法对比分析
Table 1. Analysis result of scenario-based software architecture evaluation methods
表 2 标注了优先级的GSDAS效用树子集
Table 2. Prioritized utility tree subset of GSDAS
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